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Stressin', thinkin', truckin'

Alright, settling into a new week (still trying to maintain some sort of a schedule, for sanity's sake), and I'm a "little" overwhelmed with all I have on my plate. I can do it!

Yesterday I had a lovely lunch with a new friend. I'll need to come up with a suitable nickname for this hottie, but right now it's WAY too early in the morning for me to do her justice.

Yesterday afternoon, I had a complete and utter breakdown, Prince of Tides style, only I was never molested. I just started crying, and I couldn't figure out why until I began talking to M.s. So much came out, things I've felt regarding my family relationships, things I thought, accurate or not. The truth of things, guilt, other people's feelings, etc. Been a long time since I had such a thorough emotional cleansing. I had a great talk with Faye last night; it's good to check in with my sisters to get a full view of everything, to understand my obligations versus my freedoms.

Things will be fine, and time and effort will further mold the relationships in my life. For the better.

I've got to run out for breakfast, because soon, Dr. Zayaz will be here! He is going to help me with a very special project. You'll hear more about that soon! I'm so impatient, you know it will be sooner rather than later, but for now, allow me to pretend I know how to keep a secret.

I need some Tylenol.


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Stressin', thinkin', truckin' 2004-07-06 8:23 a.m. Alright, settling into a new week (still trying to maintain some sort of a schedule, for sanity's sake), and I'm a "little" overwhelmed with all I have on my plate. I can do it!

Yesterday I had a lovely lunch with a new friend. I'll need to come up with a suitable nickname for this hottie, but right now it's WAY too early in the morning for me to do her justice.

Yesterday afternoon, I had a complete and utter breakdown, Prince of Tides style, only I was never molested. I just started crying, and I couldn't figure out why until I began talking to M.s. So much came out, things I've felt regarding my family relationships, things I thought, accurate or not. The truth of things, guilt, other people's feelings, etc. Been a long time since I had such a thorough emotional cleansing. I had a great talk with Faye last night; it's good to check in with my sisters to get a full view of everything, to understand my obligations versus my freedoms.

Things will be fine, and time and effort will further mold the relationships in my life. For the better.

I've got to run out for breakfast, because soon, Dr. Zayaz will be here! He is going to help me with a very special project. You'll hear more about that soon! I'm so impatient, you know it will be sooner rather than later, but for now, allow me to pretend I know how to keep a secret.

I need some Tylenol.