So, yesterday I had jury duty, and now I'm going to be unavailable for about two weeks. My mouth is zip about why, but trust me, you'll find out later. All I know is, if Oprah can do it, so can I!
I was very happy and flattered to see a letter to the editor that complimented my work in the Reader!
I'm a sensitive Diva. Last night, M.s. gave a walk-through for the docents at MOPA. He looked so cute while doing it, though that didn't stop me from exhaling loudly when I was ready to go. I'm an insensitive Diva.
Pick up a Night and Day in the Union Tribune!!! It came out yesterday, but there's bound to be one around, maybe sitting on your table or in your car. There is a review of M.s.'s work at the museum in there, and you have to read it! I'm so proud.
We had another delicious meal at Antico Toscano, our favorite Italian place in town. Now, I feel like I'm back at a day job again. It's only 7-something, and I've got to get ready for a 9 to 5. Alright, I've got to get ready... I'll try to keep you abreast of my life outside the court for the next few weeks. Shit, I'm cranky.
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