So MUCH going on!!! Friends are back from Burning Man, and I've already heard some crazy stories, along the lines of pushing the limits too far with drugs and dehydration (never a good combo). Cabana Boy has come back with a fiance! That's right, he and Jack Jr. got themselves engaged on the playa, and we're all very happy for them! They'll be my dates to my high school reunion this weekend. Shit, that's THIS weekend. Someone needs to go shopping, which is hard to do when my days are spent downtown at the courthouse. I'll figure it out.
My article is out this week about cats, and I am expecting some kind of opposition from pet-lovers throughout the city. I have someone coming over tomorrow to meet the girls, and I don't think I can handle it. I cried a lot this afternoon just thinking about the possibility of them gone as soon as tomorrow. This is a hard week for me, for a lot of reasons. I vascillate between wanting to hit something and wanting to collapse from the weight of it all. Too little time. Too much to do. Wanting things I can't have, lacking control over my situation. Fuckitall has been my mantra today. Fuckitall.
I could tell you about all of the wonderful things, the ease and the happiness with which I live my life, but it's so much easier to complain right now about the heartache and all the little inconveniences which add up to one big fucking headache.
This weekend I'll be in a better mood. I will say that tonight we had dinner with Dr. Zayaz and his beautiful wife! It's the doctah's birthday today, and we four-coursed it at a restaurant in Ocean Beach. Wine, dinner, good friends, all perfect things to take my mind off of my troubles. We had a great time! So maybe I'll go to bed with a smile on my face instead of wrinkles in my forehead after all.
One can hope.
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