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Stinkin' Badges

My mood is improving. In the last week, I was forced to wear not one, not two, but THREE badges. One as a juror, one at the high school reunion, and one last night, at a dining event. If this doesn't end, I'll have little holes and dents in all of my good shirts.

Muy interesante. I'm tired, and I have a lot of work to do this week. I call it "work" so that others in my life respect my time. In truth, though it may be difficult to discipline myself long enough to get the right words on this screen, it's still a lot better than any "work" I've ever had to do in the past. I guess that's the way it's supposed to be in life.

And despite my sorrows, my trials and tribulations, my stresses and tasks, my life is the only one I wish to be living, and I guarantee you, that is rare in this world.


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Stinkin' Badges 2004-09-13 8:21 a.m. My mood is improving. In the last week, I was forced to wear not one, not two, but THREE badges. One as a juror, one at the high school reunion, and one last night, at a dining event. If this doesn't end, I'll have little holes and dents in all of my good shirts.

Muy interesante. I'm tired, and I have a lot of work to do this week. I call it "work" so that others in my life respect my time. In truth, though it may be difficult to discipline myself long enough to get the right words on this screen, it's still a lot better than any "work" I've ever had to do in the past. I guess that's the way it's supposed to be in life.

And despite my sorrows, my trials and tribulations, my stresses and tasks, my life is the only one I wish to be living, and I guarantee you, that is rare in this world.