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Weekend and Work

I've got at least an hour of interesting interviews on my dicktaster. This morning, I took Ababwa to the airport, tried out a friend's new restaurant in Little Italy (fabulous, you've got to go to Voyage - little accent mark over the "a" - on India Street). Then M.s. and I checked out the open house of that historical green building overlooking Balboa Park. Swanky, very swanky. Ours will be BETTER. But it was still cool to check out the competition, and yes, it is.

Yesterday morning was the first time we've been to the Mission on University Ave. in quite a while. Guess they've started calling names in the gallery again, last time I was there they made us all pack into that little front room. Bastards.

So, I'm back to my transcribing... it's a damn good thing I can type as fast as most people talk, or else documenting these interviews for easy quotation cut & paste would be a bigger bitch than I am. I promised myself I'd finally finish this fabulous Robbins novel if I got all my notes down today. Last night, I went to El Cajon. What a different world it is just 20 minutes east of here. More on that later, right now, I've got a self-made promise to fulfill! Right before I fulfill some other needs and wants with the help of M.s. Hee hee.


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Weekend and Work 2004-09-26 2:43 p.m. I've got at least an hour of interesting interviews on my dicktaster. This morning, I took Ababwa to the airport, tried out a friend's new restaurant in Little Italy (fabulous, you've got to go to Voyage - little accent mark over the "a" - on India Street). Then M.s. and I checked out the open house of that historical green building overlooking Balboa Park. Swanky, very swanky. Ours will be BETTER. But it was still cool to check out the competition, and yes, it is.

Yesterday morning was the first time we've been to the Mission on University Ave. in quite a while. Guess they've started calling names in the gallery again, last time I was there they made us all pack into that little front room. Bastards.

So, I'm back to my transcribing... it's a damn good thing I can type as fast as most people talk, or else documenting these interviews for easy quotation cut & paste would be a bigger bitch than I am. I promised myself I'd finally finish this fabulous Robbins novel if I got all my notes down today. Last night, I went to El Cajon. What a different world it is just 20 minutes east of here. More on that later, right now, I've got a self-made promise to fulfill! Right before I fulfill some other needs and wants with the help of M.s. Hee hee. patrick - 2004-09-27 16:59:18
why do you write all this stuff?
Barbarella - 2004-09-27 20:19:21
For the antithesis of the reason you read it. Because I like to share openly the things that you like to take a peek at. Also, it's a great way to clear my head in the morning and practice my writing while I'm at it. Plus, I have friends who like to "check in" with where I'm at on a given day. I hope that answers your question!