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Feeling GOOD

I'm feeling an overwhelming sense of accomplishment this morning, despite the fact that there is still much for me to do. I'm going to begin the process of getting a passport this afternoon, after M.s. and I secure photos for the feature I just sent off to the god and goddess of the R.

We might go to Europe for New Year's. I've never been off the continent. Anyway, there are little things I must take care of like finalizing my school loan, finding an accountant to help me figure out what kind of taxes I'm supposed to pay, and working out the research for upcoming stories, BUT all of those things pale in comparison to how GOOD it feels to have just finished a big story. How GOOD it feels to work from home, how GOOD it feels to be in love, to be around my family, to see my friends, to have this LIFE I am making for myself.

Right now, rather than stress about the mini-mountain of tasks before me, I'm going to bask in just how fucking GOOD I feel.


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Feeling GOOD 2004-10-05 10:53 a.m. I'm feeling an overwhelming sense of accomplishment this morning, despite the fact that there is still much for me to do. I'm going to begin the process of getting a passport this afternoon, after M.s. and I secure photos for the feature I just sent off to the god and goddess of the R.

We might go to Europe for New Year's. I've never been off the continent. Anyway, there are little things I must take care of like finalizing my school loan, finding an accountant to help me figure out what kind of taxes I'm supposed to pay, and working out the research for upcoming stories, BUT all of those things pale in comparison to how GOOD it feels to have just finished a big story. How GOOD it feels to work from home, how GOOD it feels to be in love, to be around my family, to see my friends, to have this LIFE I am making for myself.

Right now, rather than stress about the mini-mountain of tasks before me, I'm going to bask in just how fucking GOOD I feel.