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Big Brother

We're back from Seattle, but that's not the news I want to share. I finished reading 1984. Then, M.s. pointed out THIS WEB SITE to me. Because it is fresh in my mind, I can see the extent of the horror each of the links points to, and if you are the type of person who insists on being informed, I suggest you read this entire page, and follow each and every link.

Big Brother is closer than I thought.


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Big Brother 2004-11-08 11:00 p.m. We're back from Seattle, but that's not the news I want to share. I finished reading 1984. Then, M.s. pointed out THIS WEB SITE to me. Because it is fresh in my mind, I can see the extent of the horror each of the links points to, and if you are the type of person who insists on being informed, I suggest you read this entire page, and follow each and every link.

Big Brother is closer than I thought. George O - 2004-11-09 12:55:11
Oh Barb! Yet another conspiracy! They are coming, they really are!
Barbarella - 2004-11-09 16:46:58
No conspiracies, just conveniently forgotten and/or altered pasts, as you so carefully laid out in your fabulous novel. I just picked up this week's Reader , and there's an amazing article by Orwell printed in it, originally written in 1945, 4 years before he published 1984. Thumbing through the periodical that pays my bills, I stumbled on the well-written piece, and when I flipped to the end to see the writer behind this eloquence, I wasn't surprised to find you, George.
George W. - 2004-11-10 00:19:57
Georgie O. is a double plus ungood alarmist. Get back to your televisions and relaaaax.