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I'm going to have to permanently link these in order to save myself some time each week. But until then! In this week's Reader I have a MUSIC ARTICLE , along with the weekly CALENDAR EVENT , and of course, as we all know by now, MY COLUMN , this one is all about foot fetishists and the party at which I tantalized them with my fabulous feet.

But, more importantly than all of this (at least to me, because I'm like that), is the fact that NEXT WEEK, I will be on the COVER of the Reader again. Make sure you get out there and pick it up, and I'll be posting the story as well. But woo hoo! I'm excited to see this story in print, it was such a fun one to research and write. That's next Thursday, the 17. Finally!

Last night was loverly, we tried out a new restaurant with and extensive wine list, along with Kip & Renee, and Mellie Mel. Afterwards, we bugged Ollie, and we all know how fun that is.

Today, working and shit. I met with Secret Agent Man, hereinafter known as "Cabana Boy," because we decided I should go mo' pro with this fantastic press packet he's put together.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow night's Culture and Cocktails evening at the SDMA. I've heard about this for so long, it's nice to know I'm finally going to go.

Now, back to work! I'm actually fairly on top of shit this week. Feels good.


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More articles and Stuff 2005-02-09 2:05 p.m. I'm going to have to permanently link these in order to save myself some time each week. But until then! In this week's Reader I have a MUSIC ARTICLE , along with the weekly CALENDAR EVENT , and of course, as we all know by now, MY COLUMN , this one is all about foot fetishists and the party at which I tantalized them with my fabulous feet.

But, more importantly than all of this (at least to me, because I'm like that), is the fact that NEXT WEEK, I will be on the COVER of the Reader again. Make sure you get out there and pick it up, and I'll be posting the story as well. But woo hoo! I'm excited to see this story in print, it was such a fun one to research and write. That's next Thursday, the 17. Finally!

Last night was loverly, we tried out a new restaurant with and extensive wine list, along with Kip & Renee, and Mellie Mel. Afterwards, we bugged Ollie, and we all know how fun that is.

Today, working and shit. I met with Secret Agent Man, hereinafter known as "Cabana Boy," because we decided I should go mo' pro with this fantastic press packet he's put together.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow night's Culture and Cocktails evening at the SDMA. I've heard about this for so long, it's nice to know I'm finally going to go.

Now, back to work! I'm actually fairly on top of shit this week. Feels good. Tweet Tweet - 2005-02-09 20:44:11
That's great! My owner can give me fresh lining for my cage. Tweet tweet.
Barbarella - 2005-02-09 21:09:38
Oh, how clever you are! What I'm wondering, little birdy, is why, if you think my words are so craptastic, that you bother to take the time. Interesting, hmmm? Whatever your reasons, I appreciate the fact that you're obviously reading, and that you've given me cause to chuckle this evening. May your owner enjoy cherish every word before blessing your dirty cage with my published works.