"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." -- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
My father has told me this before, but his examples are usually Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison. Actually, if you think about it, we have MORE time, because much of our time has been freed up with the help of technology -- washing your clothes, for example. Just stick 'em in, and let the machine do the work.
My point is, there is no excuse for lack of productivity if you're of able mind and body. We CHOOSE how we spend our time. I remind myself of this whenever I feel overwhelmed. I'm choosing to do this work that I love, or I'm choosing to take a break from said work to socialize, because I get a rewarding sensation from spending time with those I love. Without any, "oh, wah, I should be doing this or that."
I have plenty to do, and I'll get it done. There IS enough time. And it's up to me to figure out how to use the time that's mine.
Today, I woke up a little earlier to get some work done in the quiet of the morning, and I can see the end in sight for this particular project. This afternoon, I'm breaking to have lunch with my sister, and tonight, I'm dining with friends. I may not be accomplishing everything that is on my list today, but it is a day I will enjoy, and therefore not regret.
I refuse to be a victim of circumstance. What I do, what I don't do, what I accomplish, and ideas that never see the light of day, it will all be as it is because of choices I have made, and I can own that. Can you?
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