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Employees often "don't realize the First Amendment doesn't protect their job."

Another reason I'm happy to not work in an office anymore. I believe that you should be able to voice your opinions, inside or outside of the workplace, as long as you are not revealing any of that "business practices" stuff. Opinions of people, behavior, and whatnot is fair game. After all, it's what you think. No one can censor that, though be careful... you can lose your job over your opinions.

This happened to me a few times. I was dooced in L.A. first. Who knew? Now I'm a part of a new culture, and a new word helps to define my past situations. Too much fun.

It's Sunday, I'm working and getting a lot done after three (count 'em) days away from my laptop (for the most part). Last night we celebrated Jane's birthday, it's always fun to hang out with the fam for an evening. Today I'm blazing through this article, and hope to begin the next few as well. Productivity is a good thing, but so was relaxing -- I really needed those days! I feel refreshed, ready to face another week of hard work. From home.

This week, Ollie's cover story is out! Pick up a Reader and check it out. He's a clever writer, as I've mentioned before. Because of our recent accomplishments (we each turned in another cover feature), we will be celebrating by way of dinner at Mr. A's. M.s. is coming along too, because he's finished FIVE new photos for his big show in L.A. FIVE. That's more than he usually does in a year. And he's working on a sixth. I think we all deserve a night of the high-life and fine dining.


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Dooced 2005-03-06 1:18 p.m. Employees often "don't realize the First Amendment doesn't protect their job."

Another reason I'm happy to not work in an office anymore. I believe that you should be able to voice your opinions, inside or outside of the workplace, as long as you are not revealing any of that "business practices" stuff. Opinions of people, behavior, and whatnot is fair game. After all, it's what you think. No one can censor that, though be careful... you can lose your job over your opinions.

This happened to me a few times. I was dooced in L.A. first. Who knew? Now I'm a part of a new culture, and a new word helps to define my past situations. Too much fun.

It's Sunday, I'm working and getting a lot done after three (count 'em) days away from my laptop (for the most part). Last night we celebrated Jane's birthday, it's always fun to hang out with the fam for an evening. Today I'm blazing through this article, and hope to begin the next few as well. Productivity is a good thing, but so was relaxing -- I really needed those days! I feel refreshed, ready to face another week of hard work. From home.

This week, Ollie's cover story is out! Pick up a Reader and check it out. He's a clever writer, as I've mentioned before. Because of our recent accomplishments (we each turned in another cover feature), we will be celebrating by way of dinner at Mr. A's. M.s. is coming along too, because he's finished FIVE new photos for his big show in L.A. FIVE. That's more than he usually does in a year. And he's working on a sixth. I think we all deserve a night of the high-life and fine dining.