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"What I like in a good author isn't what he says, but what he whispers." -- Logan Pearsall Smith

It's going to be a BUSY week, partly because we're heading out Friday morning for L.A., and partly because I've got some kind of appointment or meeting every day until then.

Last night was wonderful, snotty waiter aside. The boys and I enjoyed a decadent evening at Mr. A's . We deserved it! There's something to be said for splurging ridiculously. I had a $40 glass of port with my dessert, and it was worth it. I allowed M.s. to have a $3 sip of it.

My Chopin piece is coming along, I'm dedicating time to practice playing it every day. I'm hoping to have it mastered in time for our "recital" party in... May? But all of this is nothing compared to the BIG NEWS of the day.

IKEA will be selling two of M.s.'s images in poster form! So I'll let you know when they're released, because I'm sure everyone needs to have one in their home. Speaking of homes, I'm starting to get really excited about ours. We just drove by! Again!

Time to dig into work. What day is it?


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Monday 2005-03-14 1:47 p.m. "What I like in a good author isn't what he says, but what he whispers." -- Logan Pearsall Smith

It's going to be a BUSY week, partly because we're heading out Friday morning for L.A., and partly because I've got some kind of appointment or meeting every day until then.

Last night was wonderful, snotty waiter aside. The boys and I enjoyed a decadent evening at Mr. A's . We deserved it! There's something to be said for splurging ridiculously. I had a $40 glass of port with my dessert, and it was worth it. I allowed M.s. to have a $3 sip of it.

My Chopin piece is coming along, I'm dedicating time to practice playing it every day. I'm hoping to have it mastered in time for our "recital" party in... May? But all of this is nothing compared to the BIG NEWS of the day.

IKEA will be selling two of M.s.'s images in poster form! So I'll let you know when they're released, because I'm sure everyone needs to have one in their home. Speaking of homes, I'm starting to get really excited about ours. We just drove by! Again!

Time to dig into work. What day is it?

Lizzie - 2005-03-14 18:32:54
congratulations on the IKEA gig! very cool :)
Halcyon - 2005-03-20 15:41:52
WOW WOW WOW! That is so awesome! Quality Art for the people!