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Sex and Taxes

My darling is doing his taxes, working hard entering tons of information into an excel spreadsheet that will be summarized and sent to his accountant. My taxes are already done! Seeing as this is my first year working for myself, I too employed a professional. She sent back my forms, filled out and ready to send, complete with addressed envelopes for where I need to send everything! Who knew it could be so easy and organized? It's a good thing I began filing my receipts and taking notes of my expenses the moment I left the law firm.

Here is a cute picture of M.s. cooking something up in the kitchen for a special dinner we had this last weekend.

Now he toils away at the computer, and the living room is covered in paper. I have been productive today, though I'm itching to get outside. Too much time spent at my own computer, researching and typing away. Look, I'm even doing it now. It's almost 5 p.m. Maybe it's time I took my shower today. Put on a bra or something. It's too easy to wake up, grab a Diet Coke and a breakfast bar, and go right to work in the living room.

When we get to our new place, I will force myself to shower and dress before going downstairs to "the office." It will probably clear my head to be up, groomed, and ready for anything before working anyway. Now, time for that shower, after a kiss on M.s.'s cheek. That dirty boy woke me up on the right side of the bed this morning, if you catch my drift. Sexy blue-eyed devil.


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Sex and Taxes 2005-03-29 4:49 p.m. My darling is doing his taxes, working hard entering tons of information into an excel spreadsheet that will be summarized and sent to his accountant. My taxes are already done! Seeing as this is my first year working for myself, I too employed a professional. She sent back my forms, filled out and ready to send, complete with addressed envelopes for where I need to send everything! Who knew it could be so easy and organized? It's a good thing I began filing my receipts and taking notes of my expenses the moment I left the law firm.

Here is a cute picture of M.s. cooking something up in the kitchen for a special dinner we had this last weekend.

Now he toils away at the computer, and the living room is covered in paper. I have been productive today, though I'm itching to get outside. Too much time spent at my own computer, researching and typing away. Look, I'm even doing it now. It's almost 5 p.m. Maybe it's time I took my shower today. Put on a bra or something. It's too easy to wake up, grab a Diet Coke and a breakfast bar, and go right to work in the living room.

When we get to our new place, I will force myself to shower and dress before going downstairs to "the office." It will probably clear my head to be up, groomed, and ready for anything before working anyway. Now, time for that shower, after a kiss on M.s.'s cheek. That dirty boy woke me up on the right side of the bed this morning, if you catch my drift. Sexy blue-eyed devil. The Tax Man - 2005-03-30 23:29:02
Remember that self-employment tax.
Barbarella - 2005-03-31 00:35:07
Thanks for the tip, Tax Man! With the help of our professional accountants, no tax will be overlooked or underpaid. It looks like both M.s. and I will be getting money back (woo hoo!) but mine will be going towards next quarter's payment (awww). Either way, it feels good to be on top of things and still have money in the bank (whew!)