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Cooling Down

Sigh. A little chocolate, a little lunch with Spider Monkey, and some serious progress on my work, and suddenly I'm not so pissy anymore.

We went to Rice Jones, which was pleasant enough. Tonight I will dine with two men in Del Mar. Ooh, la la! Did I mention I have been asked to write restaurant review capsules? An occasional thing, but we are so excited! Being assigned new places we might not have found on our own, trying new things, and above all else, being paid to eat and a nice little paragraph to write about it.

M.s. would do well as a food reviewer. He knows a lot about cooking, and his writing is excellent. Maybe some day! In the meantime, I'm just happy we get to go on this adventure together, along with everything else we get to do. I'm going to bring a riding crop along, so when the boys inevitably begin to mock me, I can just slap them without having to get my sleeve in anything.

I think ahead, you know. Now, back to work. If I finish this story today, I'll be ahead of the game (as my dad would say). More time to be pissed at incompetents later.


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Cooling Down 2005-03-31 2:52 p.m. Sigh. A little chocolate, a little lunch with Spider Monkey, and some serious progress on my work, and suddenly I'm not so pissy anymore.

We went to Rice Jones, which was pleasant enough. Tonight I will dine with two men in Del Mar. Ooh, la la! Did I mention I have been asked to write restaurant review capsules? An occasional thing, but we are so excited! Being assigned new places we might not have found on our own, trying new things, and above all else, being paid to eat and a nice little paragraph to write about it.

M.s. would do well as a food reviewer. He knows a lot about cooking, and his writing is excellent. Maybe some day! In the meantime, I'm just happy we get to go on this adventure together, along with everything else we get to do. I'm going to bring a riding crop along, so when the boys inevitably begin to mock me, I can just slap them without having to get my sleeve in anything.

I think ahead, you know. Now, back to work. If I finish this story today, I'll be ahead of the game (as my dad would say). More time to be pissed at incompetents later.