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If we were on South Park

Ollie sent around this link for creating South Park characters of ourselves. He did a great one of himself, though I'd have put a beret on his head rather than that cap. I created one for myself and one for M.s., and then M.s. put them together in this jpg:

Too much fun! You too can create your own character for South Park RIGHT HERE . I originally created his with a black and white background, because of his black and white photography (see my previous update for a link to his work or hit up my man through my links page).

Tonight we laid low (not that low), but mellow, out and about. We skipped out of town (that of Kensington) and headed over to Hillcrest to dine and then play Scrabble at a coffee shop. It will be great once we live over there, all of ten minutes away from here.

This week is filling up. But I'm happy to keep busy, because keeping busy means staying productive. And before I know it, it will be the 21st and I'll be on my way to New York City for a little R&R, some business, and a whole lot of play.


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If we were on South Park 2005-04-04 10:51 p.m. Ollie sent around this link for creating South Park characters of ourselves. He did a great one of himself, though I'd have put a beret on his head rather than that cap. I created one for myself and one for M.s., and then M.s. put them together in this jpg:

Too much fun! You too can create your own character for South Park RIGHT HERE . I originally created his with a black and white background, because of his black and white photography (see my previous update for a link to his work or hit up my man through my links page).

Tonight we laid low (not that low), but mellow, out and about. We skipped out of town (that of Kensington) and headed over to Hillcrest to dine and then play Scrabble at a coffee shop. It will be great once we live over there, all of ten minutes away from here.

This week is filling up. But I'm happy to keep busy, because keeping busy means staying productive. And before I know it, it will be the 21st and I'll be on my way to New York City for a little R&R, some business, and a whole lot of play. Kendra - 2005-04-05 11:52:02
I love that character generator. I made one for me and my fiance as well.
Michael Musante - 2005-04-05 15:55:49
A riot! My wife loves South Park and talks about what a dork I was as a little kid and now she can see me as a character. Absolutely hilarious!
Barbarella - 2005-04-05 16:15:33
That's great! I'm happy you four (you and your partners) are enjoying this! It's amazing how much they can be personalized!
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