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Home excitement & NY pics

I haven't been out in ages. I mean, aside from going to New York last weekend and heading to Vegas next weekend, I haven't been OUT. Like, in town. I go back and forth with wanting to see people. Mostly back.

I've taken to working in coffee shops, which is fun because it's out, but not too out. Meaning, I get to be around people, see people, hear people, even talk to a few, but I'm working. It's a nice mixture, actually, and I've found getting out of the house to do my work helps with productivity.

Yesterday we went UP into our NEW PLACE! How fucking awesome. Nearly 2100 square feet of awesome, if you believe what the papers say (we think it's more like 2000, but that's not counting the 360 square feet of fabulous terrace for us to entertain with). And the view, the view! Skyline, treetops, I can't wait to see it at night. I'm like, really getting excited about it now. I stood in my new office and faced the huge window before which I will set my new desk. Windows everywhere! Floor to ceiling! It's very lofty, too, with a huge space that is open to both floors. Don't worry, there will be pictures. Speaking of which...

Here is a snapshot of me and mah beh beh sitting in front of our hotel in NYC:

And here is one I snapped of Tim Curry as Mellie Mel sweet-talked him into signing our playbills:

With that, I think I'll take a walk to the bank and deposit a nice check. All the better to buy furniture and pay HOA fees with, my dear.


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Home excitement & NY pics 2005-05-01 3:38 p.m. I haven't been out in ages. I mean, aside from going to New York last weekend and heading to Vegas next weekend, I haven't been OUT. Like, in town. I go back and forth with wanting to see people. Mostly back.

I've taken to working in coffee shops, which is fun because it's out, but not too out. Meaning, I get to be around people, see people, hear people, even talk to a few, but I'm working. It's a nice mixture, actually, and I've found getting out of the house to do my work helps with productivity.

Yesterday we went UP into our NEW PLACE! How fucking awesome. Nearly 2100 square feet of awesome, if you believe what the papers say (we think it's more like 2000, but that's not counting the 360 square feet of fabulous terrace for us to entertain with). And the view, the view! Skyline, treetops, I can't wait to see it at night. I'm like, really getting excited about it now. I stood in my new office and faced the huge window before which I will set my new desk. Windows everywhere! Floor to ceiling! It's very lofty, too, with a huge space that is open to both floors. Don't worry, there will be pictures. Speaking of which...

Here is a snapshot of me and mah beh beh sitting in front of our hotel in NYC:

And here is one I snapped of Tim Curry as Mellie Mel sweet-talked him into signing our playbills:

With that, I think I'll take a walk to the bank and deposit a nice check. All the better to buy furniture and pay HOA fees with, my dear.