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Music and Mom

M.s. picked up this Shirley Bassey remix album while we were at Tower yesterday. It fuckin' rocks. I grabbed a few CDs and a large book of classical piano sheet music (so much to learn!)

I'm diggin' it. Tonight I'm going to hang out with my mother, who is taking it personally that I'll be out of town this weekend (hint: it's Mother's Day this weekend). I'll have to communicate to her somehow that A., my conflicting plans, and the fact that I'm keeping them, is not a personal attack of any sort; B., I don't feel guilty for keeping my conflicting plans, as I had planned to celebrate my appreciation for her in other ways already; and C., my love for her has nothing at all to do with Hallmark and their bid to boost sales during the non-xmas season.

Drama aside, I am looking forward to seeing her tonight, it's been a while since we had our coffee talk. I've got an interview coming over in a couple of hours. I'm looking forward to this one, I find the subject fascinating. You'll read about it in an upcoming event of the week (link to the right in my Stories section).

Shirley can really belt it. I think it's time for some breakfast and a little pre-interview work. Dog knows I'll have plenty of post-interview work, so it always helps to get a leg up. In every possible sense of the word.


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Music and Mom 2005-05-03 8:08 a.m. M.s. picked up this Shirley Bassey remix album while we were at Tower yesterday. It fuckin' rocks. I grabbed a few CDs and a large book of classical piano sheet music (so much to learn!)

I'm diggin' it. Tonight I'm going to hang out with my mother, who is taking it personally that I'll be out of town this weekend (hint: it's Mother's Day this weekend). I'll have to communicate to her somehow that A., my conflicting plans, and the fact that I'm keeping them, is not a personal attack of any sort; B., I don't feel guilty for keeping my conflicting plans, as I had planned to celebrate my appreciation for her in other ways already; and C., my love for her has nothing at all to do with Hallmark and their bid to boost sales during the non-xmas season.

Drama aside, I am looking forward to seeing her tonight, it's been a while since we had our coffee talk. I've got an interview coming over in a couple of hours. I'm looking forward to this one, I find the subject fascinating. You'll read about it in an upcoming event of the week (link to the right in my Stories section).

Shirley can really belt it. I think it's time for some breakfast and a little pre-interview work. Dog knows I'll have plenty of post-interview work, so it always helps to get a leg up. In every possible sense of the word. Mark S. - 2005-05-03 19:22:28
So what cd's did you pick up?
Mark S. - 2005-05-03 19:22:35
So what cd's did you pick up?
Barbarella - 2005-05-03 20:07:00
I got the new Tori Amos (haven't been through the whole thing yet), the new Moby, Kinda' Kinky by Ursula 1000, and M.s. got the Shirley Bassey remix (it ROCKS, my favorite so far), and I have no idea where he hid the rest of them... I guess I'll find out what else we got later ;)