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Viva Las Vegas

Honestly, what's with the clouds? It's like they KNEW it was laundry day. That is, if I want to have anything clean to wear while in Vegas, I've already missed the boat on my dry cleaning.

M.s. just popped in his new best of Queen CD, and it begins with Bohemian Rhapsody. I am having such flashbacks, it's at the crescendo head-banging part right now. Never realized how hard it is to type and bang your head at the same time. Just gotta get right out heeeraaah. Yeah, that's some good shit.

So. My sister Jenny's birthday was yesterday. Ollie's birthday is tomorrow. I'm stoked that in the hard copy of the R, my Mom story runs center-spread unter the feature title. I feel "highlighted".

We'll be celebrating Jen's birthday next weekend along with my Dad's, which is coming up too. But tomorrow morning, we're off to Vegas.

Oh, yeah. We'll be staying off the beaten path, at this fabulous resort . At least, I'm hoping it's fabulous. I'm not too worried about it. We'll meet up with the crew, do some sight-seeing, some fine dining, I'll try to avoid the shopping, and have some relaxation time. I'm excited for the road-trip part of it. We haven't road-tripped since we took a week to drive up the coast.

So things are good. The sky is cloudy and cool. My task list is clear. My love is in the shower, we're getting a late start on the day at 11 because we were out with the wonderful Dr. Hunter at the Linkery in South Park last night. Been there? It's been open 2 months, cool staff, great sausage (get it, links?), nice wine, other tasty and spicy treats. Anyway, good wine, great conversation, better than a sleeping pill, and I didn't hop out of bed until 10 this morning. So it is.

Despite the fact that I'm not a gambler, I'm looking forward to Vegas.


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Viva Las Vegas 2005-05-05 10:50 a.m. Honestly, what's with the clouds? It's like they KNEW it was laundry day. That is, if I want to have anything clean to wear while in Vegas, I've already missed the boat on my dry cleaning.

M.s. just popped in his new best of Queen CD, and it begins with Bohemian Rhapsody. I am having such flashbacks, it's at the crescendo head-banging part right now. Never realized how hard it is to type and bang your head at the same time. Just gotta get right out heeeraaah. Yeah, that's some good shit.

So. My sister Jenny's birthday was yesterday. Ollie's birthday is tomorrow. I'm stoked that in the hard copy of the R, my Mom story runs center-spread unter the feature title. I feel "highlighted".

We'll be celebrating Jen's birthday next weekend along with my Dad's, which is coming up too. But tomorrow morning, we're off to Vegas.

Oh, yeah. We'll be staying off the beaten path, at this fabulous resort . At least, I'm hoping it's fabulous. I'm not too worried about it. We'll meet up with the crew, do some sight-seeing, some fine dining, I'll try to avoid the shopping, and have some relaxation time. I'm excited for the road-trip part of it. We haven't road-tripped since we took a week to drive up the coast.

So things are good. The sky is cloudy and cool. My task list is clear. My love is in the shower, we're getting a late start on the day at 11 because we were out with the wonderful Dr. Hunter at the Linkery in South Park last night. Been there? It's been open 2 months, cool staff, great sausage (get it, links?), nice wine, other tasty and spicy treats. Anyway, good wine, great conversation, better than a sleeping pill, and I didn't hop out of bed until 10 this morning. So it is.

Despite the fact that I'm not a gambler, I'm looking forward to Vegas.

Lizzie - 2005-05-06 11:21:01
You were at the Linkery last night? I was right next door at Zensei sushi, around 8:30...we almost went to the Linkery, it's awesome!
Barbarella - 2005-05-09 11:51:03
I was there from 7 to 10... Before going in, I looked around in Zensei to see if there was anyone I knew. Tsk, you should have done the same, I was sitting right in the window! The Linkery was a blast! I'd be down to help organize a little group to dine there again. Mmmmm, snausages.