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Pictures of my men

Back in town and working, working through the day. I'll be working a lot this week, and that is good. Things need to get done, you know.

Here is a pic I took of M.s. over the weekend, his bright face next to vibrant snapdragons:

While Jenny was digging through photos she uncovered this gem, a picture of my father standing in front of my mother's place in New York circa... either late 60s or very early 70s.

How cool is that? Speaking of Dad, he's been traveling like a madman. Four cities in three weeks? I'm looking forward to spending Wednesday night with him. It will be research, it will be quality time, it will be fun.

Speaking of research... I must get back to work.


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Pictures of my men 2005-05-09 4:50 p.m. Back in town and working, working through the day. I'll be working a lot this week, and that is good. Things need to get done, you know.

Here is a pic I took of M.s. over the weekend, his bright face next to vibrant snapdragons:

While Jenny was digging through photos she uncovered this gem, a picture of my father standing in front of my mother's place in New York circa... either late 60s or very early 70s.

How cool is that? Speaking of Dad, he's been traveling like a madman. Four cities in three weeks? I'm looking forward to spending Wednesday night with him. It will be research, it will be quality time, it will be fun.

Speaking of research... I must get back to work.