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Failure Shmailure

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." -- Friedrich Nietzsche

The past few nights have been energizing. First, I met up with Spider Monkey for some coffee (more like jasmine tea) and some serious catch-up time. When I got home, I was buzzed from our conversation. Last night I hung out with Dad for hours. Again, I had trouble falling asleep, because I was so jazzed from all of the hyper-energy he puts out.

But despite my inability to fall asleep easily with all that is on my mind, and from the mental and emotional stimulation from people I love, I was up early this morning. Today we have a special guest coming into town and staying for a few days. From this trip, great things may come, and I'm both excited and completely, utterly, freaked out by the prospect of trying something with the possibility of failure looming over me.

Fuck failure. I think the process of embarking on new things and working hard for something will benefit me, whether I make a million bucks at it or not.

In the midst of all my trial and error, I am surrounded by supportive, loving people. The way I see things from their eyes, I'm already successful in all things that matter. Now to start working on being successful in all things that don't really matter as much, but still offer great rewards... and promises of great things to come.


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Failure Shmailure 2005-05-12 9:08 a.m. "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." -- Friedrich Nietzsche

The past few nights have been energizing. First, I met up with Spider Monkey for some coffee (more like jasmine tea) and some serious catch-up time. When I got home, I was buzzed from our conversation. Last night I hung out with Dad for hours. Again, I had trouble falling asleep, because I was so jazzed from all of the hyper-energy he puts out.

But despite my inability to fall asleep easily with all that is on my mind, and from the mental and emotional stimulation from people I love, I was up early this morning. Today we have a special guest coming into town and staying for a few days. From this trip, great things may come, and I'm both excited and completely, utterly, freaked out by the prospect of trying something with the possibility of failure looming over me.

Fuck failure. I think the process of embarking on new things and working hard for something will benefit me, whether I make a million bucks at it or not.

In the midst of all my trial and error, I am surrounded by supportive, loving people. The way I see things from their eyes, I'm already successful in all things that matter. Now to start working on being successful in all things that don't really matter as much, but still offer great rewards... and promises of great things to come.