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Birthday Extravaganza!

There is some SERIOUS birthday shit going on around here.

Today I'll celebrate not one, not two or three, but FOUR birthdays. My sister Jenny, my father, my brother-in-law Sean, and Ben.

We're going to head down to Chula Juana for the first three at one triple-birthday bash. Then we'll hop back up to Hillcrest to catch the tail end of Ben's 30th. THIRTY! Man, that will be me in just a little over year. September 2006 is my big three zero, and I plan to have our new house in order by the time I throw that fabulous party in celebration of my triple-decade completion.

Now we have a lot of wrapping and card-signing to do.


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Birthday Extravaganza! 2005-05-14 12:45 p.m. There is some SERIOUS birthday shit going on around here.

Today I'll celebrate not one, not two or three, but FOUR birthdays. My sister Jenny, my father, my brother-in-law Sean, and Ben.

We're going to head down to Chula Juana for the first three at one triple-birthday bash. Then we'll hop back up to Hillcrest to catch the tail end of Ben's 30th. THIRTY! Man, that will be me in just a little over year. September 2006 is my big three zero, and I plan to have our new house in order by the time I throw that fabulous party in celebration of my triple-decade completion.

Now we have a lot of wrapping and card-signing to do.