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The Boys Next Door

We always thought the whooping and hollering had something to do with computer games. I mean, I've sneaked a peak in there, and there is plenty of computer equipment.

What we DIDN'T expect, and what I'm SHOCKED I didn't find out sooner, seeing as I myself am a sexual deviant, is that the boys next door, literally, we SHARE A WALL with them, have been doing this:


They've been fucking, playing naked twister, bopping members, and "learning" how to be gay. Now, these are guys I ride the elevator with. Boys I've asked, "So what is it you guys do in there? Computer programming? Oh, that's cool. I've got a lot of friends who do that."

All I'm saying is, I can climb out our bedroom window to the roof and see into their bedroom window. I'm bringing a bottle of wine out there tonight. And all that whooping and hollering? Just a couple of straight college men doing the nasty with each other.

If you look at the pictures, the staircase they're sitting on is exactly like ours. And the wall behind that staircase is the wall we share with them. All that playing in the bath tub? The boys wrestling naked with each other in the bubbles? That tub is against our upstairs tub, and I always thought it was a simple act of clumsiness, because on occasion there is banging and bumping against the wall. Huh.


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The Boys Next Door 2005-05-19 2:47 p.m. We always thought the whooping and hollering had something to do with computer games. I mean, I've sneaked a peak in there, and there is plenty of computer equipment.

What we DIDN'T expect, and what I'm SHOCKED I didn't find out sooner, seeing as I myself am a sexual deviant, is that the boys next door, literally, we SHARE A WALL with them, have been doing this:


They've been fucking, playing naked twister, bopping members, and "learning" how to be gay. Now, these are guys I ride the elevator with. Boys I've asked, "So what is it you guys do in there? Computer programming? Oh, that's cool. I've got a lot of friends who do that."

All I'm saying is, I can climb out our bedroom window to the roof and see into their bedroom window. I'm bringing a bottle of wine out there tonight. And all that whooping and hollering? Just a couple of straight college men doing the nasty with each other.

If you look at the pictures, the staircase they're sitting on is exactly like ours. And the wall behind that staircase is the wall we share with them. All that playing in the bath tub? The boys wrestling naked with each other in the bubbles? That tub is against our upstairs tub, and I always thought it was a simple act of clumsiness, because on occasion there is banging and bumping against the wall. Huh.