I have nearly four hours of talking to transcribe. Hmm. Dictators are great, but then you have to type everything they said, can't miss a word. Somewhere, hidden within hours of dialogue, are some excellent quotations. Quotes I can build my story around. These subjects are fantastic characters. How to depict that? At least I know where to start.
Start by transcribing the interviews. Which means Type. Every. Fucking. Word. Put those words in a document. Read them again and again until order reveals itself. Realize you have hours to go before this can be written, but hey, you have hours down. Now it's all the fun stuff left to do. More research. More observation. More questions, more opinions.
People are interesting.
On another note, my love and I joined some good friends at the Star Cinema (a heated, outside, cozy theater with those cool zero-gravity chairs for each audience member) to see Dr. Stranglove on the big screen. Fun. New experiences are always fun, but the cool movie helped. I'd only seen it on a small screen before.
The laundry is going, the dishwasher is on, manic chores accomplished as I buzzed about in procrastination, thinking about what I need to do, making a list in my head. And now I'm doing it (kinda, this is a sidestep). Now I'm about to do it. Topic for my weekly chosen, ideas milling about in my head, chatting with each other.
Well then, it's time to get down to business. After all, I drank a cup of coffee this morning and must capitalize on the caffeine before it wears off. Before I crash and my energy, my drive right now, is seriously depleted. Then again, I happen to live directly above a Starbucks. No excuses then. I have only myself to answer to if I do not accomplish my goals.
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