Whew! Finally, I've crawled out of this hibernation phase and have the social bug again. I dove back in without taking a breath this last week and weekend, and the water was refreshing!
Thursday, Chef's Night with new friends, Friday, movie with old friends, Saturday, the Kava Lounge with a nice mixture of old and new (and Evan Bluetech, of course, kicking off another world tour), and Sunday, a birthday party and some socializing with a local before getting down to finish some business.
Sigh, it felt good. Saturday night, I was buzzing from the energy of seeing so many familiar faces, exchanging hugs, and just being out. I think we'll be hitting up Kava more often now, especially since my boys set up shop at least once a week in the room downstairs.
I have a week and a half to get ahead in work, a week and a half to find a goddamned hat-box suitcase with more features than a simple handle, to organize, to research, and finally, to pack. Because in a week and a half, next Wednesday to be exact, we are off to the east coast for M.s.'s annual show on the Vineyard. First, dinner with friends in Boston, then a wedding in Providence, which will take a few days, and then the rest of our trip will be spent on the island with little communication with the outside world.
There was one hitch to this fabulous weekend -- while impatiently trying to switch folders on my dictator, I accidentally, and all too quickly, erased two hours worth of interviews I had done on Friday. FUCK. I freaked out, but in the end, one must forge ahead. This week, I'll be scheduling research and interviews into every nook and cranny of my calendar.
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