You will not believe what I just did. M.s. and I finished eating Thai for lunch, paid the bill, and I couldn't find my keys -- odd, I'm usually very neurotic about keeping my keys in sight. While I searched the booth, M.s. went outside on the off-chance that I might have dropped them or, God-forbid, left them in the car. An act, by the way, I have never committed in my life.
But he reported back to me to say that not only had I left my keys in the car, I had left the car RUNNING, and the doors had been unlocked. WHAT??? Couldn't have happened. You're shitting me, I said. He just laughed. Unfuckingbelievable. So, for an HOUR, my car had been running outside the restaurant, for anyone to just hop in and drive away. Don't tell my dad, alright?
In other news! I have started a YahooGroup for reading and writing. While we lunched, I overheard the conversation next to me, three women discussing the books they've been reading, and I longed for some of the same. I read constantly. I'm always reading. If my friends are reading as much as I am, they certainly are not talking about it.
I would love to meet with people once a month to discuss the books we're reading, and since I clean out the bestsellers and new fiction every other month from the bookstore, I have some great suggestions to kick us off. If you're interested in geeking out over good books, join my little club: SIGN UP HERE
I've never done a yahoogroup thing before, so if there's something wrong, please let me know.
Otherwise, I'm excited to see who I will meet and what wonderful books I will discover from people who enjoy reading as much as I do! This is in the very early stages, so structure/meetings/etc. are all open for discussion, to be decided by the first few members according to what works best for us, our schedules, and our tastes.
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