But because I'm excited, I'll share a bit and then simply share my disappointment later if it doesn't go through.
I've been asked to host an upcoming event! A BIG one! A COOL one! I'm still waiting on the specifics. At this point, I have been asked, I have checked my calendar, and I have accepted. After my first meeting with the committee of awesome people who are putting this thing on, I will tell you more.
Until I get the details, I don't feel comfortable elaborating. But YAY! Woo hoo! I'm excited. It sounds like a lot of fun, any which way I look at it.
In other news, it's Wednesday. Thought you should know. Any Dodge owners out there? If so, be on the lookout for your Spring 2006 issue of Dodge Magazine. You'll see why when you get it.
What else? I am really enjoying Little Children, the novel by Tom Perrotta. Ladies of my book club? Isn't it engrossing? Four Souls was an apertif and Little Children is DEFINITELY a hearty main course, if you get me. I feel like I'll have to select a short book of poems for dessert or something, keeping with the metaphor. I'm having too much fun here.
My Molton Brown lotion looks like melted ice cream. Or yogurt. More like yogurt, now that I think of it. My love is in the other room. The guy who is building our home theater system (a SWEET system) should be here soon. M.s. has been spending most of his time plotting out designs for our terrace, re-thinking water feature and fire ideas, basically, he's been a ball of creativity. It's fun to watch him figure things out. Especially when I know that the results of those thoughts will be manifested in ways I couldn't have dreamed of myself.
Speaking of which, I need to contact my new friend, the event planner. We need to start brainstorming now if my 30th birthday bash next year is going to be everything I want it to be.
God, I feel spoiled. Life is what you make of it, really. And I have made for myself a wonderful playground -- laughter, fun, and wonderful playmates every which way I look. I think I'll go look at Playmate #1 right now.
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