Interesting weekend. Friday night was surreal. Fun, entertaining, but a little bit surreal. Adorable kittens, some really nice people, and one very inebriated cross-dressing, coke-sniffing counselor. I can't remember ever seeing so much powder in such a large ziplock baggie. When it puffed up all over his face, M.s. assumed it was all part of the costume. I, in all my experience partying like the ultimate, long-dead rock star, knew better. Where were these people four years ago? I would have rocked that artsy warehouse then, blown them all down with my self-destructive stupidity, been the one woman left standing after everyone had passed out. But now, way past my party phase, I was all about meeting a few cool people and getting home to play with my love before bed time. In the end, we were invited to a neighbor's place for more surreal conversation before turning in, way after bedtime.
Saturday was wonderfully plush! Mellie Mel and I hit up the Estancia for some serious spa treatment. We stopped in to say hi to Jesse (my brother-in-law, the executive chef), and then headed over to the spa for mmmmm, nearly three hours of pampering. We'll be going back soon.
Saturday night, evening of parties, we stayed in. I wasn't feeling well, some kind of stomach ache which may or may not be related to the HUNDREDS of fucking stomach exercises I was forced to do by my nazi-like personal trainer.
Yesterday was Sunday, and it was so nice and relaxing. In the morning, we had our book club meeting. Again, what stimulating conversation! What fun! Our next book, Snow by Orhan Pamuk (and I'll also be reading Let us Now Praise Famous Men by James Agee). After fun with fellow book-lovers, M.s. and I had a day out. We went to Horton Plaza to hang out, walk around, and eventually see the Wedding Singers. Which was hilarious.
And now, it is Monday. And I still have no idea what I'm going to wear to THIS . Wednesday, I'll really start to panic. Until then, however, I have more work to do.
Happy Halloween!
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