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The time is almost at hand. Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!!!!!!

I now have an outfit (thanks to Ollie, M.s., Ben, Grace, and John). Feathers and... rubber? Trust me, it works. I think this festival is bound to result in fun for all!

I was worried I wouldn't make it, after this morning's butt muscle incident. Who knew there were stretches designed for just such a thing? I couldn't be in the middle of the show and have a butt cramp, oh no. Not acceptable. It's a good thing we made it all right.

Tonight I'll be out and about for Sushi Gallery's film thing at MoPA, seeing friends, catching up, being social and all that. And tomorrow, oh tomorrow. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I have a feeling that I will have a fucking BALL. I look forward to seeing you there.


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TOMORROW! 2005-11-04 2:35 p.m. The time is almost at hand. Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!!!!!!

I now have an outfit (thanks to Ollie, M.s., Ben, Grace, and John). Feathers and... rubber? Trust me, it works. I think this festival is bound to result in fun for all!

I was worried I wouldn't make it, after this morning's butt muscle incident. Who knew there were stretches designed for just such a thing? I couldn't be in the middle of the show and have a butt cramp, oh no. Not acceptable. It's a good thing we made it all right.

Tonight I'll be out and about for Sushi Gallery's film thing at MoPA, seeing friends, catching up, being social and all that. And tomorrow, oh tomorrow. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I have a feeling that I will have a fucking BALL. I look forward to seeing you there.