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Whacked AWAY!

I'm flabbergasted. No, really. Shocked. Taken aback.

In almost an hour, you can CLICK HERE to read about my adventures in cyst whacking, how I allowed, nay, how I BEGGED my friend to punch the shit out of me to get rid of the little bump on the back of my wrist.

And now. A week later after the whacking, I have taken a container of lipgloss and bashed it against my own wrist and I have done what my shaman could not -- I have whacked that motherfucker DOWN. It's GONE!

So it actually works. Huh. Word to the wise -- don't use a book. Use a small, round, hard object that is flat on one end and whack purposefully, just on the bump. And it WILL disappear. I'm a believer. My cyst is gone.


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Whacked AWAY! 2005-12-21 11:16 a.m. I'm flabbergasted. No, really. Shocked. Taken aback.

In almost an hour, you can CLICK HERE to read about my adventures in cyst whacking, how I allowed, nay, how I BEGGED my friend to punch the shit out of me to get rid of the little bump on the back of my wrist.

And now. A week later after the whacking, I have taken a container of lipgloss and bashed it against my own wrist and I have done what my shaman could not -- I have whacked that motherfucker DOWN. It's GONE!

So it actually works. Huh. Word to the wise -- don't use a book. Use a small, round, hard object that is flat on one end and whack purposefully, just on the bump. And it WILL disappear. I'm a believer. My cyst is gone. Ellen - 2005-12-21 14:48:34
Ewwwww!!!!!!!! Are you sure it's a good idea to release all that...that... FLUID... into your wrist!!!??? Yikes!8-o Poor Cyst, he'd been with you a long time. It also reminds me of a time my friend shaved off a mole.