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Jingle Bells, baby!

Only yesterday did I begin to get excited about the holiday just around the bend! Now I'm impatient for it, though. I'm just so hard to please, aren't I.

Ellen, to answer your question, that "fluid" goes right back where it came from -- my joints. My wrist has never felt so lubricated as it does now that I've whacked that cyst. Yay for doing things that require wrist movement!

Speaking of things that gross some people out, I, for the first time, am experiencing what M.s. calls "Lunge Butt." As of yesterday, alternating lunges up and down an incline were incorporated into my workout regimen. Well, I've tried them before, but this time I did them RIGHT. Meaning, my ass feels like it has been on the receiving end of someone throwing punches.

I just went for a walk with Spider Monkey, maybe about 4 miles max, and... um, OW. Didn't do much for my Lunge Butt. Yup, that's still there. Hurting. Even now as I sit here, because I'm sitting ON the affected area. Don't even get me started about the hard toilet seat.

Last night, before Lunge Butt set in, M.s. and I went up to Del Mar so that he could take some night shots he's been trying to get. This is the fourth or fifth time we've gone, and it looks like we'll be going back at least that many times. But the night was so beautiful, the white foam of the waves were visible, and the sound of them crashing was hypnotic. When it began to drizzle, I protected myself with M.s.'s silver cloak, the one he puts over his head when he needs complete darkness to look through his 8 by 10 camera.

Where was I? Oh, right, Christmas! I'm SO EXCITED! I can't wait for dinner at Heather's on Christmas Eve, brunch with friends on Christmas morning, visiting with an old high school friend who will be in town, then presents at my mother's house! With the whole family! And dinner there! And then, my love and I will return home to exchange gifts in private. That's a good thing, because... well, he'll be checking this, so I'll hold off on the details.


Let's never forget this true meaning of Christmas, which, from now on, I will call Giftmas.


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Giftmas 2005-12-23 1:34 p.m. Jingle Bells, baby!

Only yesterday did I begin to get excited about the holiday just around the bend! Now I'm impatient for it, though. I'm just so hard to please, aren't I.

Ellen, to answer your question, that "fluid" goes right back where it came from -- my joints. My wrist has never felt so lubricated as it does now that I've whacked that cyst. Yay for doing things that require wrist movement!

Speaking of things that gross some people out, I, for the first time, am experiencing what M.s. calls "Lunge Butt." As of yesterday, alternating lunges up and down an incline were incorporated into my workout regimen. Well, I've tried them before, but this time I did them RIGHT. Meaning, my ass feels like it has been on the receiving end of someone throwing punches.

I just went for a walk with Spider Monkey, maybe about 4 miles max, and... um, OW. Didn't do much for my Lunge Butt. Yup, that's still there. Hurting. Even now as I sit here, because I'm sitting ON the affected area. Don't even get me started about the hard toilet seat.

Last night, before Lunge Butt set in, M.s. and I went up to Del Mar so that he could take some night shots he's been trying to get. This is the fourth or fifth time we've gone, and it looks like we'll be going back at least that many times. But the night was so beautiful, the white foam of the waves were visible, and the sound of them crashing was hypnotic. When it began to drizzle, I protected myself with M.s.'s silver cloak, the one he puts over his head when he needs complete darkness to look through his 8 by 10 camera.

Where was I? Oh, right, Christmas! I'm SO EXCITED! I can't wait for dinner at Heather's on Christmas Eve, brunch with friends on Christmas morning, visiting with an old high school friend who will be in town, then presents at my mother's house! With the whole family! And dinner there! And then, my love and I will return home to exchange gifts in private. That's a good thing, because... well, he'll be checking this, so I'll hold off on the details.


Let's never forget this true meaning of Christmas, which, from now on, I will call Giftmas.