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Tahoe, L.A., and the gym

"We love flattery, even though we are not deceived by it, because it shows that we are of importance enough to be courted." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

There's a reason I named my old pet rat Ralph. Anyway, I wanted to get in a quick update before heading off to the gym this morning, because after that, everything is going to be HEC...TIC. We gotta lotta shit goin' on today, you know what I'm sayin'?

We leave tomorrow for Tahoe and I'm actually getting excited for the trip! The other day I cleaned my office (I now have easy access to the stereo) and my space seems orderly and relaxing again. Today we have that calibration guy coming to perfect our giant TV. The process is so complex, he has scheduled 4 to 6 HOURS to get the job done. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of difference it makes, though I'm a little skeptical about being able to notice it at all.

So, this coming weekend we'll be in Tahoe and the following weekend, we'll be in L.A. for photo l.a. I'm looking forward to visiting with old friends and seeing what's going on around the world right now in terms of photography. I'm not looking forward to days missed at the gym. Crazy, huh? Who ever thought that I would enjoy working up a sweat and building lean muscle mass? Certainly not I, nay, I would have been the last to think that.

But, as the clock nears 7:30, I see it is time to go and do just that. Last week I went up another level of resistance on the eliptical trainer. That's an increase of almost TEN levels in the last four months! I'm kicking ass in there and taking names. When I look at other people trodding along slowly, reading magazines and newspapers, I am proud of how hard I push myself. You can't read with sweat in your eyes and you can't build up a proper sweat if you're reading. Hence the "work-out" playlist on my iPod. Time to rock it.


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Tahoe, L.A., and the gym 2006-01-09 7:07 a.m. "We love flattery, even though we are not deceived by it, because it shows that we are of importance enough to be courted." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

There's a reason I named my old pet rat Ralph. Anyway, I wanted to get in a quick update before heading off to the gym this morning, because after that, everything is going to be HEC...TIC. We gotta lotta shit goin' on today, you know what I'm sayin'?

We leave tomorrow for Tahoe and I'm actually getting excited for the trip! The other day I cleaned my office (I now have easy access to the stereo) and my space seems orderly and relaxing again. Today we have that calibration guy coming to perfect our giant TV. The process is so complex, he has scheduled 4 to 6 HOURS to get the job done. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of difference it makes, though I'm a little skeptical about being able to notice it at all.

So, this coming weekend we'll be in Tahoe and the following weekend, we'll be in L.A. for photo l.a. I'm looking forward to visiting with old friends and seeing what's going on around the world right now in terms of photography. I'm not looking forward to days missed at the gym. Crazy, huh? Who ever thought that I would enjoy working up a sweat and building lean muscle mass? Certainly not I, nay, I would have been the last to think that.

But, as the clock nears 7:30, I see it is time to go and do just that. Last week I went up another level of resistance on the eliptical trainer. That's an increase of almost TEN levels in the last four months! I'm kicking ass in there and taking names. When I look at other people trodding along slowly, reading magazines and newspapers, I am proud of how hard I push myself. You can't read with sweat in your eyes and you can't build up a proper sweat if you're reading. Hence the "work-out" playlist on my iPod. Time to rock it.