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Happiness, Dreams, and Jet-Setting

Driving home from Los Angeles yesterday, I told M.s., "All of my dreams and wishes in life have come true." For years, the only thing I silently wished for when I blew out the candles on my birthday cake was to fall in love. After I met M.s., my wish changed from "Please let me fall in love" to "Please let love continue to play a major role in my life."

I have always dreamed of a day when I would make my living from my words. That dream has come true with the help of the SD Reader.

It's an amazing thing, to have all that one wants. My dad says, if you want to be happy, want what you have. For the most part, I've been good at that. I look back through my writing, my blogging, my journaling, etc., and I see that even when I was working odd jobs, even when I didn't have a job, I was more often happy than not. Though for motivation's sake, I am upping the ante on my dreams. If not for more dreams, I would become stagnant. Though I am happier, I am sure, than I have ever been in my life, I don't want to become complacent. With M.s. around, I don't really have to worry about moss growing beneath us.

Speaking of which, L.A. was GREAT! I got to see just about everyone I set out to see! Old, dear friends (Brian, Amy, Mike), family (John & Sue). I had a bitch of a cold, but I powered through and when I woke up yesterday morning, it was pretty much gone, so I was able to taste every bit of my breakfast at Roscoe's Chicken & Waffle.

The traveling has just begun. M.s. and I are going to have to be extra efficient. Next week we head to New York. In a month or so we'll be going up to Seattle (more info on that soon, I'm going to be part of a photo art project that will most likely be published as a photo book after its museum/gallery tour). But the kicker comes this summer, when we fly to Martha's Vineyard for M.s.'s summer show and then, after a week or two, we go back to Boston or New York to fly directly to Zurich (Switzerland) for another show. Holy Jet-Setters, Batman! I'm going to need to bribe my sister to take care of some affairs while I'm gone.

Ack! 7:30 a.m. Alright, off to the gym to clear my mind and break a sweat. The point of all this? I love my life and everyone in it.


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Happiness, Dreams, and Jet-Setting 2006-01-23 7:09 a.m. Driving home from Los Angeles yesterday, I told M.s., "All of my dreams and wishes in life have come true." For years, the only thing I silently wished for when I blew out the candles on my birthday cake was to fall in love. After I met M.s., my wish changed from "Please let me fall in love" to "Please let love continue to play a major role in my life."

I have always dreamed of a day when I would make my living from my words. That dream has come true with the help of the SD Reader.

It's an amazing thing, to have all that one wants. My dad says, if you want to be happy, want what you have. For the most part, I've been good at that. I look back through my writing, my blogging, my journaling, etc., and I see that even when I was working odd jobs, even when I didn't have a job, I was more often happy than not. Though for motivation's sake, I am upping the ante on my dreams. If not for more dreams, I would become stagnant. Though I am happier, I am sure, than I have ever been in my life, I don't want to become complacent. With M.s. around, I don't really have to worry about moss growing beneath us.

Speaking of which, L.A. was GREAT! I got to see just about everyone I set out to see! Old, dear friends (Brian, Amy, Mike), family (John & Sue). I had a bitch of a cold, but I powered through and when I woke up yesterday morning, it was pretty much gone, so I was able to taste every bit of my breakfast at Roscoe's Chicken & Waffle.

The traveling has just begun. M.s. and I are going to have to be extra efficient. Next week we head to New York. In a month or so we'll be going up to Seattle (more info on that soon, I'm going to be part of a photo art project that will most likely be published as a photo book after its museum/gallery tour). But the kicker comes this summer, when we fly to Martha's Vineyard for M.s.'s summer show and then, after a week or two, we go back to Boston or New York to fly directly to Zurich (Switzerland) for another show. Holy Jet-Setters, Batman! I'm going to need to bribe my sister to take care of some affairs while I'm gone.

Ack! 7:30 a.m. Alright, off to the gym to clear my mind and break a sweat. The point of all this? I love my life and everyone in it. David - 2006-01-24 10:19:09
loving slave here... What you don't understand, will never understand, and are probably incapable of understanding is that in a healthy, loving relationship such as we have there is no competition, only mutual support and respect. I welcome each of Barb's new successes. It doesn't matter which of us is making more money so long as we are able to enjoy our life together. N.B. By the way, you seem to think that I am wealthy, and I suppose in many ways I am, but money-wise I am not. My parents are not wealthy either (a rumor which we have also heard floating around). Barb and I both work hard, doing what we love, to make a living. I think it's absolutely fantastic that one day soon Barb may make more money than me. That will just afford us more opportunity to explore the world through travel, spend time with friends and enjoy life.
The Truth - 2006-01-23 19:36:26
Now you know minimum wage jobs don't count.
Barbarella - 2006-01-23 19:47:05
You're cute. Good one.
The Obvious - 2006-01-23 23:13:25
Tsk, Tsk. The Bitter Truth, how sad your life must be.
The Truth - 2006-01-24 02:32:11 is sort of fun weeding out the hypocrits among us. Part entertainment, part public service. While I usually don't go for the jugular; Barbalicious puts her neck so far out, it is a very inviting target.
The Truth - 2006-01-24 05:18:29
You are right on one count, my slave does make more than me, but that is sure to change in the coming years. (With respect and competition like that...your loving relationship is doomed in the coming years. Then we will see how happy you really are.)
The Truth - 2006-01-23 17:49:54
As we all know, and you cannot admit; is that you don't make your living through your writing. You make your living through your rich boyfriend who snaps pictures. I guess he is a slave. Start being honest. Perhaps this is one of the New Year Resolutions that you forgot.
Barbarella - 2006-01-23 19:24:00
Hi, Truth! How wonderfully persistent and yet misinformed you are. I make twice what I was making as a paralegal. I work an average of two days a week. I pride myself on paying my way, as my father raised me to do. You are right on one count, my slave does make more than me, but that is sure to change in the coming years. Remember, I'm only at the beginning of my career! And I'm sure you'll be along for the ride to congratulate me for my continued successes and accomplishments. I love you for that. But not as much as I love my life.