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My COLUMN this week shows up on the Main Page of the Reader web site! Yay!

It's all about identity. Self. Realization. It's a little different than my normal fair, but I hope you enjoy it. Speaking of which, thank you, Amy, for your kind note!

We got in last night and had dinner with Aunt Diane and Susan at a Fabulous Restaurant! Now we're trying to figure out what to do today, because we have time to kill before the reception we're attending this evening. I'm thinking... museums. We're only a few blocks from the Whitney. It's like, fate or something.

Alright, back to it!


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Psst! 2006-02-02 8:00 a.m. My COLUMN this week shows up on the Main Page of the Reader web site! Yay!

It's all about identity. Self. Realization. It's a little different than my normal fair, but I hope you enjoy it. Speaking of which, thank you, Amy, for your kind note!

We got in last night and had dinner with Aunt Diane and Susan at a Fabulous Restaurant! Now we're trying to figure out what to do today, because we have time to kill before the reception we're attending this evening. I'm thinking... museums. We're only a few blocks from the Whitney. It's like, fate or something.

Alright, back to it!