"I fear nothing, I hope for nothing, I am free." -- Nikos Kazantzakis
I'm in one of those moods, finding myself disappointed in the general population, in people I used to call friend, etc. My dad has told me, You can only be free if you are free of expectation. It's so true. I guess I shouldn't expect people not to suck, shouldn't expect them to rise above the petty and shallow and contribute something positive to their surroundings rather than drag down everyone around them into their comfy little nitch of misery. It just shows me that my decision to back away from certain crowds, from certain people, was a good one. I want to surround myself with those who can help to make me a better person, those who inspire and teach.
Despite my cyclic misanthropy, life is good. On Friday night we celebrated my sister Jane's birthday down at Mom's house. God, my family is funny. I laughed so hard that when we finally headed home, my face hurt. Tonight, M.s. and I are going to a cooking class. It's not as hands-on as I thought it would be, but I know we're going to have a great time. We always have a great time when we're together.
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