"Be like the bird, who halting in his flight/ On limb too slight,/ Feels it give way beneath him, yet sings/ Knowing he has wings." -- Victor Hugo
So much to do, so little time. Juggling stories I'm writing and stories I'm reading. Speaking of the ones I'm writing, though, MY COLUMN is out this week. It's about why you should never feel bad about not inviting someone to a gathering you organize.
If you see yourself in this story, and you do not like what you see, I recommend asking yourself why before you get angry at me. In my opinion, it's all very level-headed and straightforward. There are people reading my words right now who do not like me. Hi! Some I have known, some who have never met me. How do I know this? Because I get a lot of hits, and I know there can't be THAT many people who actually like me. My point? I'm okay with it. I don't expect everyone to like me. In fact, I'm happy when I strike a nerve or make someone think, even if it's someone who cannot stand me. Especially if it's someone who cannot stand me.
So, now back to a few of the writing projects I'm juggling. If I knock enough out today, I can go back to reading. Oh! And great news! I got my taxes done yesterday. WHEW! Talk about a load off. I'm feeling peachy keen and quite productive. And fabulous, of course. So fabulous, I can hardly stand myself.
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