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Preventative Maintenance

Thursday morning, bright and early, and now we (my love and I) are just focused on surviving this hellish week. Yesterday was a pressure-cooker, we met with several frustrations in our respective lines of work, so that by the end of the day, the slightest thing, the tiniest added stress to think about, grated deeper than it would on any normal day.

I never knew the muscles beneath my boobs could hurt SO much. That's what I get for bench-pressing, huh? I feel like I've been punched all over (we have been taking a beating this week from our trainer, but this we pay for). And here I go to do it again! Today AND tomorrow! What do they say? No pain no gain. In this case, no pain, no loose, and I've got a lot more flab I want to shed and muscle I want to continue to build and tone. All the way, until I can confidently wear a latex catsuit (or any other outfit off the rack in the Crypt).

This takes time when you do it the right way, the healthy and permanent way. I keep telling myself this, because it seems to take so LONG. Then again, it's only been half a year and I have already become healthier than I've been in a lifetime. Health first, image second. If I keep at it, my body will eventually catch up.

Unlike M.s., stress feeds my workout -- my frustrations and anger give me energy, and rather than keep them trapped inside me, to wind me tight, I can let it all out at the gym in the form of grunts and sweat. It doesn't disappear entirely, but it sure does take away a lot of the negative energy and replace it with exhaustion and the feeling that I am doing something very, very good for myself. Which I am.

When we can come up for breath, after we continue to crunch for our work, we are going to disappear off the map for a bit. Downtime, minimized social stimulation, reduced communication capabilities, a little shut-down, like I do for my laptop when I've been running too many programs at once and it begins to act all fritzy. I need to close some of my own applications for a bit and let my engine rest. Or, God help me, I will crash.


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Preventative Maintenance 2006-03-30 6:50 a.m. Thursday morning, bright and early, and now we (my love and I) are just focused on surviving this hellish week. Yesterday was a pressure-cooker, we met with several frustrations in our respective lines of work, so that by the end of the day, the slightest thing, the tiniest added stress to think about, grated deeper than it would on any normal day.

I never knew the muscles beneath my boobs could hurt SO much. That's what I get for bench-pressing, huh? I feel like I've been punched all over (we have been taking a beating this week from our trainer, but this we pay for). And here I go to do it again! Today AND tomorrow! What do they say? No pain no gain. In this case, no pain, no loose, and I've got a lot more flab I want to shed and muscle I want to continue to build and tone. All the way, until I can confidently wear a latex catsuit (or any other outfit off the rack in the Crypt).

This takes time when you do it the right way, the healthy and permanent way. I keep telling myself this, because it seems to take so LONG. Then again, it's only been half a year and I have already become healthier than I've been in a lifetime. Health first, image second. If I keep at it, my body will eventually catch up.

Unlike M.s., stress feeds my workout -- my frustrations and anger give me energy, and rather than keep them trapped inside me, to wind me tight, I can let it all out at the gym in the form of grunts and sweat. It doesn't disappear entirely, but it sure does take away a lot of the negative energy and replace it with exhaustion and the feeling that I am doing something very, very good for myself. Which I am.

When we can come up for breath, after we continue to crunch for our work, we are going to disappear off the map for a bit. Downtime, minimized social stimulation, reduced communication capabilities, a little shut-down, like I do for my laptop when I've been running too many programs at once and it begins to act all fritzy. I need to close some of my own applications for a bit and let my engine rest. Or, God help me, I will crash.