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Racist Prick

I am disgusted. I don't know whether to vomit or cry. I am frustrated, I am angry, I am appalled.

There is a racist psychopath shit living in my building. I have a description of his hate crime this morning, and what he looks like. I know he is male, I know he is white, and I know a few other physical attributes. Until I am positive (meaning police report name or positive identification from the victim of this crime, who is a wonderful, kind, and hard-working man), I cannot do anything. Hence the frustration.

BUT, if I do find out for SURE if this person is who I think he is, I will do everything in my power to make his life a living hell. My hands are shaking right now as I type this as my mind echoes the words I just heard, the things he did and said to this wonderful kid who was out here trying to help with our lack of hot water problem.

I want to shout, YOU SICK MOTHERFUCKER! YOU TWISTED, PYSCHOTIC FUCK! You don't deserve to breathe the same air as that kid you attacked. You are not worthy of licking the floor where those papers you threw from his hand fell. I hope you have a heart attack and DIE as a result of your misdirected anger and rage.

You fucking shit. When I confirm who you are, when your actions are made public, I will call your name out to the world, first and last, and make sure everyone knows what a piece of scum-sucking, bottom-feeding rubbish you are.

I feel a little better. But I can't imagine how my friend, the victim, feels, for I am still shaking and I wasn't even there. Those horrible things weren't said to me, those horrible, hateful things. I suggested he file a police report, for this is a hate crime. Those are public information. I could get copies and post them everywhere. And I would. Because this kind of shit is the same kind of shit I WILL NOT TOLERATE.

I just want to cry. People can be so horrible, so disappointing, so inhuman. This man, whoever he is, is an animal and deserves to be caged.


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Racist Prick 2006-04-13 10:19 a.m. I am disgusted. I don't know whether to vomit or cry. I am frustrated, I am angry, I am appalled.

There is a racist psychopath shit living in my building. I have a description of his hate crime this morning, and what he looks like. I know he is male, I know he is white, and I know a few other physical attributes. Until I am positive (meaning police report name or positive identification from the victim of this crime, who is a wonderful, kind, and hard-working man), I cannot do anything. Hence the frustration.

BUT, if I do find out for SURE if this person is who I think he is, I will do everything in my power to make his life a living hell. My hands are shaking right now as I type this as my mind echoes the words I just heard, the things he did and said to this wonderful kid who was out here trying to help with our lack of hot water problem.

I want to shout, YOU SICK MOTHERFUCKER! YOU TWISTED, PYSCHOTIC FUCK! You don't deserve to breathe the same air as that kid you attacked. You are not worthy of licking the floor where those papers you threw from his hand fell. I hope you have a heart attack and DIE as a result of your misdirected anger and rage.

You fucking shit. When I confirm who you are, when your actions are made public, I will call your name out to the world, first and last, and make sure everyone knows what a piece of scum-sucking, bottom-feeding rubbish you are.

I feel a little better. But I can't imagine how my friend, the victim, feels, for I am still shaking and I wasn't even there. Those horrible things weren't said to me, those horrible, hateful things. I suggested he file a police report, for this is a hate crime. Those are public information. I could get copies and post them everywhere. And I would. Because this kind of shit is the same kind of shit I WILL NOT TOLERATE.

I just want to cry. People can be so horrible, so disappointing, so inhuman. This man, whoever he is, is an animal and deserves to be caged.