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Links, Pimped-Out Babies, and Alcoholism

Thank you, Ellen! You're right, a little Bunny Action is more than enough to brighten one's day. Shhhh, don't tell Renee.

In other news, I see nothing wrong with funny clothing for babies. You dress up your little dogs, you had these kids to amuse yourself in the first place, might as well make 'em funny. My mom is a MILF? That's hilarious! The guy who wrote this article is clearly a tad bit uptight.

If Angelina can give hers a mohawk, that guy should be able to dress his like a pimp. I'm just saying. They need to wear clothes or else we'd have a million naked rugrats running around, so we might as well dress them in ways we can all enjoy.

We've been working on our itinerary, it's going to be tight and expensive, but once we get on the road (or in the air), it will be oh, so much fun. It looks like we may be spending the fourth in Boston (hear that, Ellen? Let's make our party plans now) before we head to New York for M.s.'s show on the 6th. A lot, a lot, I have to work on not getting overwhelmed. One thing at a time, right?

I'm going to finish this article and go back to watching bunnies. I need a little bunny-brain-numbing action, or else I'm going to stress myself into some kind of fucking stroke. It's amazing how much power we give to our neuroses. My mind is racing with things I need to accomplish. Anybody have some valium? Shut this bitch in my head right the fuck up? Ah, fuck it. I'll have a stiff drink this afternoon. That oughtta do the trick.


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Links, Pimped-Out Babies, and Alcoholism 2006-05-03 11:10 a.m. Thank you, Ellen! You're right, a little Bunny Action is more than enough to brighten one's day. Shhhh, don't tell Renee.

In other news, I see nothing wrong with funny clothing for babies. You dress up your little dogs, you had these kids to amuse yourself in the first place, might as well make 'em funny. My mom is a MILF? That's hilarious! The guy who wrote this article is clearly a tad bit uptight.

If Angelina can give hers a mohawk, that guy should be able to dress his like a pimp. I'm just saying. They need to wear clothes or else we'd have a million naked rugrats running around, so we might as well dress them in ways we can all enjoy.

We've been working on our itinerary, it's going to be tight and expensive, but once we get on the road (or in the air), it will be oh, so much fun. It looks like we may be spending the fourth in Boston (hear that, Ellen? Let's make our party plans now) before we head to New York for M.s.'s show on the 6th. A lot, a lot, I have to work on not getting overwhelmed. One thing at a time, right?

I'm going to finish this article and go back to watching bunnies. I need a little bunny-brain-numbing action, or else I'm going to stress myself into some kind of fucking stroke. It's amazing how much power we give to our neuroses. My mind is racing with things I need to accomplish. Anybody have some valium? Shut this bitch in my head right the fuck up? Ah, fuck it. I'll have a stiff drink this afternoon. That oughtta do the trick.