TODAY is JENNY'S BIRTHDAY! and she's... uh, younger than me. 27, I believe. Yeah, that's about right, because we're 2 1/2 years apart and I turn 30 in September. Oh, yeah.
We'll be celebrating next Saturday with the family, I think Jen's heading up with Dad to see Ashes and Snow in Santa Monica this weekend.
Tomorrow morning I hit the road. Alone. Woman takes on a long, long stretch of highway. And sings off-key for the entire duration of the nearly 5-hour drive. It's a good thing no one will be sitting with me in my little Corolla, for I plan to push the limits of volume and find out just how loudly I can sing. With no one around for miles and me inside my car, it's the perfect opportunity to test my vocal chords without fear of retribution.
I'll miss my beh beh. We are never apart (I know, *yak*, but still). I'll miss him. I'll be bringing several items, including one Elph camera (fully charged), one dictator (ditto), and plenty of red lipstick.
I expect my ass to begin cramping about an hour into the drive. Charlie made me hold weights this morning as I trampled up and down the stairs and did walking lunges. So I'll have to suddenly screech to a stop on the side of the freeway and walk off the inevitable butt cramps I will get. Mmmmm, butt cramps.
I'm looking forward to this long weekend away. Speaking of long times away, our ENTIRE itinerary is booked, including the hotel in Zurich. We'll be gone for almost a month! There will have to be some mass planning before that trip, which is only, YIKES!, five or so weeks away. But I can think about that when I get back.
Right now, I need to pack for Vegas, baby.
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