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A Tame Vegas Picture

Here's a teaser pic from Vegas (and the girls might not want to hear this, but I have MANY, MANY MORE pictures. Hee hee hee. I've got shots of my sister Jane (pictured here at the far left) learning from Marissa (who is right next to her in this shot) how to drop it like it's hot. Then I have shots of them standing in the little raised cage in the middle of the dance floor at Body English, doing just that.

Oh, the pic!

In case you don't know what I look like and want to know who I am in this shot, look for the pretty one. We are standing in our private dining room at Simon's (thanks Jen for hooking that up!) This is post-day at the pool, pre-night at the club.

I'm still working on my column. Gotsa get back to it. More pictures to come.


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A Tame Vegas Picture 2006-05-08 1:23 p.m. Here's a teaser pic from Vegas (and the girls might not want to hear this, but I have MANY, MANY MORE pictures. Hee hee hee. I've got shots of my sister Jane (pictured here at the far left) learning from Marissa (who is right next to her in this shot) how to drop it like it's hot. Then I have shots of them standing in the little raised cage in the middle of the dance floor at Body English, doing just that.

Oh, the pic!

In case you don't know what I look like and want to know who I am in this shot, look for the pretty one. We are standing in our private dining room at Simon's (thanks Jen for hooking that up!) This is post-day at the pool, pre-night at the club.

I'm still working on my column. Gotsa get back to it. More pictures to come.