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Procrastinatory Update

"We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same." -- Carlos Castenada

God, I hate it when I'm trying to procrastinate and Myspace is moving all slow. What a drag. So now I'll take a little moment to brag.

Today I found out my credit score. If you don't know what this is or what it means, do a little research and find yours. According to Nathan, my score is a lender's wet dream -- 810. Booya. Nearly 11 years of excellent credit, building and building to a shining, fantastic number that gets me in the door quickly. And my car will finally be paid off next month. Nice.

Tomorrow (crossing my fingers, no pressure, my darling), we're going up to L.A. to catch Ashes and Snow before the show ends, not to return to the states for SEVEN years. I really must see it. Dad and Jenny went this last weekend while I was in Vegas. We have some business to attend to in L.A. anyway, so a quick day trip will be just perfect.

M.s. just picked up a few snazzy suits, Hugo Boss, hip and chic and they look so sleek! Once the taylor is done with him, rowr, watch out. I'll be pinching that ass all the way to Zurich and back, standing at his side, *pinch* *pinch*, during each show, making him blush. Or maybe just annoying him. Either way, it will be fun for me.

Speaking of my love, I forgot to mention how wonderfully thoughtful he continues to be, despite the fact that he is crunching for these three major shows next month (shit, is that already next month?) Anyway, when I returned from Vegas, I found on my desk the most beautiful bouquet of flowers, vibrant oranges, purples, reds, and fuschias.

I'm looking at them now. I'm so lucky in love.


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Procrastinatory Update 2006-05-09 7:16 p.m. "We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same." -- Carlos Castenada

God, I hate it when I'm trying to procrastinate and Myspace is moving all slow. What a drag. So now I'll take a little moment to brag.

Today I found out my credit score. If you don't know what this is or what it means, do a little research and find yours. According to Nathan, my score is a lender's wet dream -- 810. Booya. Nearly 11 years of excellent credit, building and building to a shining, fantastic number that gets me in the door quickly. And my car will finally be paid off next month. Nice.

Tomorrow (crossing my fingers, no pressure, my darling), we're going up to L.A. to catch Ashes and Snow before the show ends, not to return to the states for SEVEN years. I really must see it. Dad and Jenny went this last weekend while I was in Vegas. We have some business to attend to in L.A. anyway, so a quick day trip will be just perfect.

M.s. just picked up a few snazzy suits, Hugo Boss, hip and chic and they look so sleek! Once the taylor is done with him, rowr, watch out. I'll be pinching that ass all the way to Zurich and back, standing at his side, *pinch* *pinch*, during each show, making him blush. Or maybe just annoying him. Either way, it will be fun for me.

Speaking of my love, I forgot to mention how wonderfully thoughtful he continues to be, despite the fact that he is crunching for these three major shows next month (shit, is that already next month?) Anyway, when I returned from Vegas, I found on my desk the most beautiful bouquet of flowers, vibrant oranges, purples, reds, and fuschias.

I'm looking at them now. I'm so lucky in love.