First of all, THANK YOU to the authors of the four letters to the editor about my column last week. You can read them (somewhere in the middle of all these other letters) HERE. Ollie got a few fun ones too, that guy's always riling 'em up, but I'm happy to see people coming to bat for him this time around. Too many people don't recognize clever when they see it. And Ollie, he's clever, alright.
If you ever want to send your own letter to the editor (that may very well be published), you can do so HERE. Feedback, good or bad, is always encouraged. But especially if it's good, or thought-provoking (as this week's letters were) and about me.
Like, for example, if you have any thoughts on homelessness, or our attitude towards the homeless in this city, you could speak your mind. And yeah, that just happens to be what my COLUMN is about this week, though it is mostly about my father, and how kind of heart he is, in his own unique way. You know, it's funny. Dad is always making fun of "bleeding hearts," but I have never seen anyone more in need of, as he would say, "a tampon on his chest" than my father. The man cares. He's a good, good man.
We just got back from Ashes and Snow! What an amazing space! I bought the DVD of the film that plays during the exhibition. I plan to screen it on our monstrous TV with a few friends and cocktails. Very meditative, that. I only saw snippets at the show, because I knew I wanted to bring it back and watch it in silence and comfort. And then watch it again.
But first, still crunching, M.s. is all over the place getting ready for his three big shows and, well, I'm simultaneously working a little and procrastinating a lot. But now I'm just rambling. Fun things ahead, I'll keep you aboob of everything.
And thanks again, Suzanne, Rita, CC, and Denise. You made my week!
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