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People, Family, Wind of Socialization

"The acrobat who swings from one trapeze to the next knows just when he must let go." -- Erving & Miriam Polster, quoted in Science of Mind Magazine and read to me aloud over the phone by Dad.

I've been thinking a lot about a very simple idea lately, and it is this: There are two kinds of people in my world -- those I want to be like and those I strive hard not to be like. We each have the grand ability and freedom to choose who these people are, based on our own values and ideals.

Sometimes, depending on how we grow and change, certain people jump from one list to the other, and this jump can begin from either side. Anyway, moving on, as is life...

I have some photos I will be posting soon of one little goldilocks dressed as a bear. Yesterday I attended my 2-year-old niece, Bella's, pre-school recital, for which she wore this fuzzy, Dr. Seussy one-piece over orange tights, and little fuzzy ears on a headband, all for the amusement of an audience filled with adults holding cameras and sporting huge grins. Like me.

Afterwards, Mom and I went back to Jane's, and hung out for a while. It was, uh, how-you-say... LOUD. I'll load those pics up for you, Jane looked almost as cute as Bella as she mouthed encouragement from the stands (consisting of seats so tiny only one ass cheek could fit at a time).

Tomorrow, book club meeting! Shadow of the Wind, Indecision, and the one I'm reading now, Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie, I can't WAIT to go over some of these!

Our next two weeks before we leave will be INSANE. I'm booked nearly every day and night, and I'm sure the rest will fill in fast. Half business, half social-pleasure, but what am I talking about, it's all the same in my life, social-pleasure IS business, if I can write about it. So is drama, which is ironic in ways upon which I don't care to elucidate.

I will tell you as we go what happens when and I will try to document as much as I can with posted images. Now I'm off to run some errands with a few people I want to be like, including my wonderful partner and my inspiring father. My love and I need to get an umbrella for our terrace, because the weather is warming, and we are gearing up for a season of entertaining. After we return from abroad, of course. Okay, and a little before we leave.

Ope! He's standing at the door waiting for me. Let the flurry of activity begin!


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People, Family, Wind of Socialization 2006-05-27 9:05 a.m. "The acrobat who swings from one trapeze to the next knows just when he must let go." -- Erving & Miriam Polster, quoted in Science of Mind Magazine and read to me aloud over the phone by Dad.

I've been thinking a lot about a very simple idea lately, and it is this: There are two kinds of people in my world -- those I want to be like and those I strive hard not to be like. We each have the grand ability and freedom to choose who these people are, based on our own values and ideals.

Sometimes, depending on how we grow and change, certain people jump from one list to the other, and this jump can begin from either side. Anyway, moving on, as is life...

I have some photos I will be posting soon of one little goldilocks dressed as a bear. Yesterday I attended my 2-year-old niece, Bella's, pre-school recital, for which she wore this fuzzy, Dr. Seussy one-piece over orange tights, and little fuzzy ears on a headband, all for the amusement of an audience filled with adults holding cameras and sporting huge grins. Like me.

Afterwards, Mom and I went back to Jane's, and hung out for a while. It was, uh, how-you-say... LOUD. I'll load those pics up for you, Jane looked almost as cute as Bella as she mouthed encouragement from the stands (consisting of seats so tiny only one ass cheek could fit at a time).

Tomorrow, book club meeting! Shadow of the Wind, Indecision, and the one I'm reading now, Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie, I can't WAIT to go over some of these!

Our next two weeks before we leave will be INSANE. I'm booked nearly every day and night, and I'm sure the rest will fill in fast. Half business, half social-pleasure, but what am I talking about, it's all the same in my life, social-pleasure IS business, if I can write about it. So is drama, which is ironic in ways upon which I don't care to elucidate.

I will tell you as we go what happens when and I will try to document as much as I can with posted images. Now I'm off to run some errands with a few people I want to be like, including my wonderful partner and my inspiring father. My love and I need to get an umbrella for our terrace, because the weather is warming, and we are gearing up for a season of entertaining. After we return from abroad, of course. Okay, and a little before we leave.

Ope! He's standing at the door waiting for me. Let the flurry of activity begin!