Yo, CLICK IT! That is, if you feel like reading my column this week, which is all about how I trained my man to HATE Netflix, a technological force previously thought to be unhate-able. I'm that good. Hat tip to Kirby, who was an immense help when it came to analogies in this story. I'm working on that tagline, baby, or maybe I'll just pinch your ass when you arrive on island this weekend.
Speaking of good things and hot asses, we are having a GREAT time with my Netflix-hatin' man's parents on Martha's Vineyard. The weather is mild, the sun is shining the breeze is warm but not too cloying, the flowers smell great, the company has been fantastic and the food, don't even get me started.
Speaking of food, I had a great workout with Ency, my mother-in-love, yesterday morning at the local gym, located conveniently by the itty-bitty airport that only takes small planes belonging to the Kennedy or Forbes families. And anyone else who wants to ride in one of those loud-little deathtraps.
The first of my love's three shows is this Sunday! We're looking forward to it, but I'm not eager for the day to approach, because I am enjoying this down-time before the real frenzy begins, when we go to Boston then Zurich then Boston then New York then Boston then Home. I need to keep working out just to stay on my feet after all this!
So, just wanted to send a shout-out. I hope you enjoy and can relate to what it's like to have very different taste (or no taste) from your partner/friends/family, etc. It was suggested earlier today that we rent a movie for tonight. I hope I get to pick it out. hee hee hee.
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