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A little Bitchy and PICS!

Now, I know I'm not the sharpest pin in the cushion, but Christ Almighty, I am getting really sick and tired of stupid people. I need to like, go into some kind of stupid-decompression chamber to protect myself from getting stupider as a result of interracting with dumbfucks.

But enough bitching. I have pictures! The Gay Pride Parade was fabulous (much better than the last one I attended two years ago), the energy was high and the colors were even more vibrant against the gray-sky backdrop. I have tons of pictures from the parade, but as I'm psycho busy this week (and it's only Monday), I just shrunk a few images for you.

But before the Pride images, here's a pic our friend Amy took of me and my beh beh at the Culture and Cocktails event a few weeks ago:

Okay, back to the present-tense. First, a fabulous teaser of how spectacular the costumes were this year! I loved this nun, she was having fun with the crowd before she began marching away with her crew. Then she had to bend to daintily retrieve something she'd dropped:

Before the parade got under way, we were hanging out with the gorgeous and intimidating (in the best way possible) dykes on bikes! Here I am between two lovelies, one of whom purred into my ear right before this shot was taken:

I write a bit more about them in the column I'm working on (should be out next week). Sigh, so much, so much. The weekend was fun -- great times, great people, great conversations, wonderful all around. I may be a bitch, but I'm a very, very happy one. Now back to work the trials and tribulations associated with avoiding the socially and emotionally retarded, the stunted juvenile nincompoops who continue to exist, despite my protests, in the periphery of my life.

Oh, and one more thing -- get a load of M.s.'s eyes in that picture above! And those dimples are FIERCE! God, I love my beh beh.


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A little Bitchy and PICS! 2006-07-31 10:33 a.m. Now, I know I'm not the sharpest pin in the cushion, but Christ Almighty, I am getting really sick and tired of stupid people. I need to like, go into some kind of stupid-decompression chamber to protect myself from getting stupider as a result of interracting with dumbfucks.

But enough bitching. I have pictures! The Gay Pride Parade was fabulous (much better than the last one I attended two years ago), the energy was high and the colors were even more vibrant against the gray-sky backdrop. I have tons of pictures from the parade, but as I'm psycho busy this week (and it's only Monday), I just shrunk a few images for you.

But before the Pride images, here's a pic our friend Amy took of me and my beh beh at the Culture and Cocktails event a few weeks ago:

Okay, back to the present-tense. First, a fabulous teaser of how spectacular the costumes were this year! I loved this nun, she was having fun with the crowd before she began marching away with her crew. Then she had to bend to daintily retrieve something she'd dropped:

Before the parade got under way, we were hanging out with the gorgeous and intimidating (in the best way possible) dykes on bikes! Here I am between two lovelies, one of whom purred into my ear right before this shot was taken:

I write a bit more about them in the column I'm working on (should be out next week). Sigh, so much, so much. The weekend was fun -- great times, great people, great conversations, wonderful all around. I may be a bitch, but I'm a very, very happy one. Now back to work the trials and tribulations associated with avoiding the socially and emotionally retarded, the stunted juvenile nincompoops who continue to exist, despite my protests, in the periphery of my life.

Oh, and one more thing -- get a load of M.s.'s eyes in that picture above! And those dimples are FIERCE! God, I love my beh beh.