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L.A. Update for Ellen

Ellen is right -- a few days in L.A. is absolutely NO excuse for not updating. Hee hee.

Oh, L.A., you tacky bitch of a city. We drove around Bel Air and Beverly Hills and almost lost a kidney for all the laughing we did at the ostentatiousness of those homes. One mansion, covered in columns and statues and gated with video cameras, had a drive in which 7 Ferraris were parked. They all had car covers on them that were pulled back just a little bit on the hood, to make sure that everyone who drove by could see exactly what kind of cars they were. I can't imagine any other reason for "mostly" covering the big-boy toys.

We had a lot of fun. Dinner at Nook on Friday night with Brian and his lady-friend was lovely (on all accounts). On Saturday, we got to chat with a really nice fellow named Damani; he's about to move to the Big Apple to embark on his dream career! Good for him, I love to see people follow their dreams. Then we went to lunch with John & Sue (you'll read all about it in my column next week, I'm sure) at The Polo Lounge, before which we did our driving around the neighborhood to check out the homes. Man, those homes! One mansion that looked more like a gothic hotel had a miniature Statue of Liberty on the lawn, right next to a cherub-filled fountain. I just can't get over it. I should have taken pictures.

But the weather was perfect and the weekend was relaxing. Saturday night we went to an "Underground Dining" event. Eh. Top chef from a 5-star restaurant that recently closed makes a four-course meal for 30-40 invited guests at a friend's house. Could have been executed a lot better. Not worth the money it cost us, and it wasn't terrible enough to warrant an interesting article, so that's that. The people were nice, some of them kinky, I'd party with them for sure, but next time I'll eat beforehand, or at least insist the cost be lowered significantly. The good news? Underground dining (google it, you'll see) is a fun movement happening around the country and I'm spreading the word to some friends who get shit done to see if they can't get something like this started in San Diego.

Alright, I've dicked around quite enough, so it's about time I got back to work.


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L.A. Update for Ellen 2006-08-14 12:19 p.m. Ellen is right -- a few days in L.A. is absolutely NO excuse for not updating. Hee hee.

Oh, L.A., you tacky bitch of a city. We drove around Bel Air and Beverly Hills and almost lost a kidney for all the laughing we did at the ostentatiousness of those homes. One mansion, covered in columns and statues and gated with video cameras, had a drive in which 7 Ferraris were parked. They all had car covers on them that were pulled back just a little bit on the hood, to make sure that everyone who drove by could see exactly what kind of cars they were. I can't imagine any other reason for "mostly" covering the big-boy toys.

We had a lot of fun. Dinner at Nook on Friday night with Brian and his lady-friend was lovely (on all accounts). On Saturday, we got to chat with a really nice fellow named Damani; he's about to move to the Big Apple to embark on his dream career! Good for him, I love to see people follow their dreams. Then we went to lunch with John & Sue (you'll read all about it in my column next week, I'm sure) at The Polo Lounge, before which we did our driving around the neighborhood to check out the homes. Man, those homes! One mansion that looked more like a gothic hotel had a miniature Statue of Liberty on the lawn, right next to a cherub-filled fountain. I just can't get over it. I should have taken pictures.

But the weather was perfect and the weekend was relaxing. Saturday night we went to an "Underground Dining" event. Eh. Top chef from a 5-star restaurant that recently closed makes a four-course meal for 30-40 invited guests at a friend's house. Could have been executed a lot better. Not worth the money it cost us, and it wasn't terrible enough to warrant an interesting article, so that's that. The people were nice, some of them kinky, I'd party with them for sure, but next time I'll eat beforehand, or at least insist the cost be lowered significantly. The good news? Underground dining (google it, you'll see) is a fun movement happening around the country and I'm spreading the word to some friends who get shit done to see if they can't get something like this started in San Diego.

Alright, I've dicked around quite enough, so it's about time I got back to work.