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Wise Words

I'm back, I'm showered, and I'm ready to work.

But first, a little self-chiding -- I am judgmental. I know I shouldn't be, I know I shouldn't "Tsk, tsk," at the behavior or spoken words of those around me, but I can't seem to help it. Or can I help it and I just don't want to?

How amazing is the ego and sense of self-importance that I believe my opinion matters? It doesn't, really, in the grand scheme of things. Only in my immediate vicinity and those whom I choose to allow into that space. So in my own little world, I guess it does matter.

At an after-party for the show on Friday night, a friend and neighbor shared an interesting experience from when he was in the medical field and worked closely with the dying. He said an old, dying man told him, "I never LIVED." Ever since that moment, my friend and neighbor has decided to live his life according to his own rules. "What a waste," he told me, "if I allowed other people to live my life by doing everything THEY wanted." Wise words.

After dining at Chive (and yes, Amy it WAS that amazing, I insist on taking you there upon your return), we headed over for some after dinner drinks and good company at 30-Two. Speaking of "30," it's just a few more weeks now before I officially mark my third decade on this earth! And every year is better than the last. Because every year I live by my own rules just a little bit more.

And right now, my rules say I better get some fucking work done so I can afford the little luxuries in life I so adore, like an upcoming tour to some Mexican vineyards and our 6-week (if we work it right) sojourn through Europe next year.


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Wise Words 2006-08-28 10:50 a.m. I'm back, I'm showered, and I'm ready to work.

But first, a little self-chiding -- I am judgmental. I know I shouldn't be, I know I shouldn't "Tsk, tsk," at the behavior or spoken words of those around me, but I can't seem to help it. Or can I help it and I just don't want to?

How amazing is the ego and sense of self-importance that I believe my opinion matters? It doesn't, really, in the grand scheme of things. Only in my immediate vicinity and those whom I choose to allow into that space. So in my own little world, I guess it does matter.

At an after-party for the show on Friday night, a friend and neighbor shared an interesting experience from when he was in the medical field and worked closely with the dying. He said an old, dying man told him, "I never LIVED." Ever since that moment, my friend and neighbor has decided to live his life according to his own rules. "What a waste," he told me, "if I allowed other people to live my life by doing everything THEY wanted." Wise words.

After dining at Chive (and yes, Amy it WAS that amazing, I insist on taking you there upon your return), we headed over for some after dinner drinks and good company at 30-Two. Speaking of "30," it's just a few more weeks now before I officially mark my third decade on this earth! And every year is better than the last. Because every year I live by my own rules just a little bit more.

And right now, my rules say I better get some fucking work done so I can afford the little luxuries in life I so adore, like an upcoming tour to some Mexican vineyards and our 6-week (if we work it right) sojourn through Europe next year.