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Thirty 'round the corner

"Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love truth." -- Joseph Joubert

There's nothing more annoying than the pig-headedness of ignorance that wishes to stay that way. This is why I do not talk religion with the religious or politics with the extremely liberal or extremely conservative. If you actually consider matters, it's impossible to be any of the above.

But HEY, speaking of loving ourSELVES, this weekend I'll BE THIRTY!!! That link there is to my column this week, which is all about entering another decade as gracefully as I can. You know, how 30s are the new 20s and all that jazz.

As it stands, my year 30 on this planet is looking like it will be fantastic, filled with travel and adventures. I'm a fortunate bitch, but I also recognize that I owe some of my good fortune to myself, for making the decisions in life that have brought me to here, where I am now.

And where am I now? Exactly where I've always wanted to be.

More to come, and I'm charging up the camera again. And here it is, 9:45 a.m. on yet another new day before me, with nothing but possibilities to offer.

Love me? Hate me? Don't be shy about it, let my editor know! I thank you for taking the time. Even if you hate me, because after all, hate is the yin to love's yang, and the way I see it, it's all the same amount of energy.

Thank you for clicking and Happy Wednesday!


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Thirty 'round the corner 2006-09-13 9:25 a.m. "Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love truth." -- Joseph Joubert

There's nothing more annoying than the pig-headedness of ignorance that wishes to stay that way. This is why I do not talk religion with the religious or politics with the extremely liberal or extremely conservative. If you actually consider matters, it's impossible to be any of the above.

But HEY, speaking of loving ourSELVES, this weekend I'll BE THIRTY!!! That link there is to my column this week, which is all about entering another decade as gracefully as I can. You know, how 30s are the new 20s and all that jazz.

As it stands, my year 30 on this planet is looking like it will be fantastic, filled with travel and adventures. I'm a fortunate bitch, but I also recognize that I owe some of my good fortune to myself, for making the decisions in life that have brought me to here, where I am now.

And where am I now? Exactly where I've always wanted to be.

More to come, and I'm charging up the camera again. And here it is, 9:45 a.m. on yet another new day before me, with nothing but possibilities to offer.

Love me? Hate me? Don't be shy about it, let my editor know! I thank you for taking the time. Even if you hate me, because after all, hate is the yin to love's yang, and the way I see it, it's all the same amount of energy.

Thank you for clicking and Happy Wednesday!