Two reasons I am REALLY happy (along with my love) that I do NOT live in TEXAS:
1. The education system is backwards. NY Times is giving me a hard time as I try to post the link here, but basically, a teacher is being fired because, on an APPROVED trip to the museum, some of her art students noticed -- ack! -- nude art and complained to their parents.
2. The legal system is puritanical.
Here I am, bitching about how archaic and detrimental other parts of the world seem to be, and right here in our own oily backyard, children are being shielded from art that contains only what is natural on human bodies and people are being deprived their right to go out and buy a decent dildo. Next thing you know, we'll be performing genital mutilation -- pleasure and beauty are for sinners, kids, you fucking remember that.
M.s. is researching places for us to stay in Japan. I'm a little concerned, he's going all "traditional," which means I may have to sleep on some kind of floormat with no insulation above and beyond a thin screen of paper. Help me.
In a few hours I get to have lunch with my dad! I'm looking forward to it, an not just because it helps me to procrastinate on my typical Tuesday work. We have a lot of fun shooting the shit and philosophizing, my dad and me.
Next weekend (not this coming weekend, but the one after it) is going to be PSYCHO. Busy all Friday, Saturday AND Sunday. Plans with friends, party with friends, and a three-hour cruise with my sister and her daughter. Ooh, la la, whatever will I wear? I'll just be happy that a few days before that weekend, I'll get these effing stitches out, and I'll actually be able to move around easily.
So, maybe I'll try to get a little bit of work done before lunch. Stranger things have happened.
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