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Butts and Burns

"There's nothing more difficult than a line." -- Pablo Picasso

So. I'm not as pissed as I was yesterday, and this, we all agree, is a good thing. I still have a kink in my neck, but what are you going to do. Last night, I proved my inanity in one swift move -- eager to finally remove the last bandage over the newly unstitched wound on my ass, I ripped off three bandaids... way too fast. What I'm trying to say, is that along with the bandaids, I ripped off a layer of skin an inch south of the healing wound. Um, OW!

David heard a ripping noise and then a great shriek, after which he got to watch me hobble, ass backwards, toward him, so he could survey the damage and report to my face. I am an idiot.

So now I've got a fresh, burning abrasion on my butt. But no bandage. See? It's not all bad.

The week is coming along, things are already getting knocked off of my list. Good. Tomorrow morning I meet with my web master to finalize the changes for my new web site, RSS compatible, or whatever that means. Hopefully I'll learn tomorrow. this means my blog will be moving. You'll have to go to DIVA BARBARELLA and click on the blog link from there. I'll keep this diaryland page for archives and stuff, and I'll be sure to have clear instructions when the move happens. I trust you to figure it out.

Okay then! Back to my productivity. Did I mention that I burned my pinky toe with the candle that was on my desk yesterday afternoon? Don't ask. Idiot, remember? I'm just going to go with it. Things are a lot less stressful when expectations are low. And no one expects very much from a woman who rips skin off her ass and burns her toe on a candle in the same hour. Or at least no one should expect very much from such as I was yesterday. And such as I'll enjoy being for as long as I damn well please.

So there.


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Butts and Burns 2006-10-17 12:47 p.m. "There's nothing more difficult than a line." -- Pablo Picasso

So. I'm not as pissed as I was yesterday, and this, we all agree, is a good thing. I still have a kink in my neck, but what are you going to do. Last night, I proved my inanity in one swift move -- eager to finally remove the last bandage over the newly unstitched wound on my ass, I ripped off three bandaids... way too fast. What I'm trying to say, is that along with the bandaids, I ripped off a layer of skin an inch south of the healing wound. Um, OW!

David heard a ripping noise and then a great shriek, after which he got to watch me hobble, ass backwards, toward him, so he could survey the damage and report to my face. I am an idiot.

So now I've got a fresh, burning abrasion on my butt. But no bandage. See? It's not all bad.

The week is coming along, things are already getting knocked off of my list. Good. Tomorrow morning I meet with my web master to finalize the changes for my new web site, RSS compatible, or whatever that means. Hopefully I'll learn tomorrow. this means my blog will be moving. You'll have to go to DIVA BARBARELLA and click on the blog link from there. I'll keep this diaryland page for archives and stuff, and I'll be sure to have clear instructions when the move happens. I trust you to figure it out.

Okay then! Back to my productivity. Did I mention that I burned my pinky toe with the candle that was on my desk yesterday afternoon? Don't ask. Idiot, remember? I'm just going to go with it. Things are a lot less stressful when expectations are low. And no one expects very much from a woman who rips skin off her ass and burns her toe on a candle in the same hour. Or at least no one should expect very much from such as I was yesterday. And such as I'll enjoy being for as long as I damn well please.

So there.