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New Pictures and Links!

I posted some new pictures! You can either click the link above that says "Photos" or CLICK HERE to get to the same place. See, I make it easy for you.

The pictures are from last night, taken up at my sister Heather's house. Jenny and I handed out candy (mostly Jenny, actually). Scroll down in the photos and you'll see that picture of Bella I referred to a week or so ago.

I'm really annoyed right now -- the Calendar Event of the Week is another column I write. Each week, I contact people who have been chosen to be featured to interview them regarding their event. Sometimes, they can't seem to be bothered to get back to me. I just want to scream, HELLO! FREE PRESS! Trying to help YOU out, can't you even meet me halfway here? Right now I'm trying to track down a few people, left messages, sent emails, I spoke to one recently, so I know they're around.

Note to anyone trying to get coverage for anything -- make a little effort. The harder it is for me, the less inclined I am to go above and beyond for you. My GOD, People! I've half a mind to drop the whole story and move onto the next one, but it's a little late in the game and close to deadline. But really. Not impressed here.

Anyway, enough bitching. My other column this week should singe any left over remnants of bridges I have left with those I no longer call friend. Click HERE to read it, it's about ex-friend etiquette and all that fun shit.

Next week's will be less bitchy, I promise.

Hope your Halloween was fun! And thanks for clicking!!!


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Two Links

Yes, Even MORE new pictures

Mizz Asshole

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New Pictures and Links! 2006-11-01 12:41 p.m. I posted some new pictures! You can either click the link above that says "Photos" or CLICK HERE to get to the same place. See, I make it easy for you.

The pictures are from last night, taken up at my sister Heather's house. Jenny and I handed out candy (mostly Jenny, actually). Scroll down in the photos and you'll see that picture of Bella I referred to a week or so ago.

I'm really annoyed right now -- the Calendar Event of the Week is another column I write. Each week, I contact people who have been chosen to be featured to interview them regarding their event. Sometimes, they can't seem to be bothered to get back to me. I just want to scream, HELLO! FREE PRESS! Trying to help YOU out, can't you even meet me halfway here? Right now I'm trying to track down a few people, left messages, sent emails, I spoke to one recently, so I know they're around.

Note to anyone trying to get coverage for anything -- make a little effort. The harder it is for me, the less inclined I am to go above and beyond for you. My GOD, People! I've half a mind to drop the whole story and move onto the next one, but it's a little late in the game and close to deadline. But really. Not impressed here.

Anyway, enough bitching. My other column this week should singe any left over remnants of bridges I have left with those I no longer call friend. Click HERE to read it, it's about ex-friend etiquette and all that fun shit.

Next week's will be less bitchy, I promise.

Hope your Halloween was fun! And thanks for clicking!!!